Introducing Inflection’s New CEO

Matthew Monahan
3 min readJan 19, 2018


Passing the Baton and Looking Ahead

Brian and Matthew Monahan passing the baton to Mike.

It’s my pleasure to introduce Mike Grossman, Inflection’s new CEO.

Mike is first and foremost a family man — a proud father of two and husband of 27 years. In the Grossman household there are three simple rules: try your hardest, tell the truth, and be nice. And one unofficial rule: be creative.

Those values fit perfectly with Inflection’s culture and mission of building trust online, and capture the essence of why I am so excited about Mike joining the company.

Mike Grossman, Inflection CEO

“I didn’t join the company because it’s doing well, which it is. Nor did I join because of the market size and potential, which are significant. I joined because of the people. There’s a spirit of idealism here and genuine desire to do good in the world. In my experience that’s really rare, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.” — Mike Grossman

Mike brings more than two decades of experience leading innovative technology companies, including SugarSync, Tempo Payments, and LiveCapital. Mike’s impressive resume also includes formative time at Intuit, McKinsey, and Harvard. Mike cites Bill Campbell, famed CEO coach and former chairman of the board of Intuit, as one of the most influential figures in his career.

My brother Brian and I have led Inflection since its founding 11 years ago, and we feel now is the right time to pass the proverbial baton. The company has just wrapped up an excellent year, with strong growth and momentum across our portfolio of trust and safety solutions.

GoodHire is making employment screening fair and easy for over 75,000 businesses, with its modern technology approach and industry-leading candidate experience.

Recent company milestones include:

  • GoodHire integrated partnerships with leading HR tech providers BambooHR, Jobvite, Trinet, Breezy, Smart ERP, and others.
  • Automated compliance workflows for new ban-the-box laws, to ensure fair hiring practices.
  • SOC2 certification, Kantara accreditation, and recognition as a federally-approved LOA3 credential service provider.
  • Identity partnership with Duo for identity proofing, to better serve healthcare customers with Electronic Prescriptions of Controlled Substances (EPCS).
  • Successful divestiture of legacy public records assets, and formalization of industry best practices in partnership with the Future of Privacy Forum.
  • A new, scalable operations office in Omaha, Nebraska.
  • Social impact collaborations through GoodHire for Good.
The Inflection team in Omaha, NE.

Brian and I will remain active board members and committed stakeholders at Inflection, along with our stellar investment partners Josh Hannah at Matrix Partners and Greg Sands at Costanoa Ventures.

In conjunction with the role change, Brian and I are moving with our family full-time to Aotearoa New Zealand, our new home. We’ll also be continuing to serve as board members of the Edmund Hillary Fellowship and Namaste Foundation, both of which projects were catalyzed by Inflection proceeds and alumni.

It’s been a privilege and an honor to serve in this role. Thank you to our customers and partners for your business and faith. We are as committed as ever to serving you with world-class solutions that advance trust, safety, and fairness in your organizations and communities.

To all Inflection team members past and present: of everything that’s happened over the last decade, it’s been the relationships with you that have been the most meaningful and rewarding. Thank you for the trust, grit, fun trips, mindful minutes, long hours, high 5’s, tears, barefoot dancing, lessons learned, ridiculous Hawaiian shirts and birthday claps — and most of all, for your shared commitment to building an exceptional, values-led company. I am deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished together and gratefully look forward to what’s ahead.


Warm regards,

