Tabs (Lightning app) for iOS

2 min readFeb 5, 2019



iOS app + /getinfo + /addinvoice

What Is It?

Tabs is a native iOS app (written in Swift) for keeping up with your Lightning Node.


It works for LND, and if you know a little about LND or are already running your own Lightning Node, it lets you keep up with the status of your app with things like /getinfo and also lets you add invoices on the fly with /addinvoice.

It’s hopefully a really simple and light way to never have to let your Lightning Node get too far away from you.

What Else?

Currently Tabs is targeting lnd v0.5.1-beta.

I’m using every tool to hopefully not let someone get stuck on the first screen while entering certificate+macaroon+uri info. That’s one of the reasons I reached for lndconnect so there’s an option to scan a QR Code containing all of that info. And I added some examples on the login screen to hopefully help out a bit too.

Also, as can be noted on the login screen, Tabs is using GRPC to make requests to your node, so definitely take note of that when entering the uri.

What’s Next?

Tabs is open source. There’s no tracking or analytics in the app, so I have no idea who’s using it or how they are using it or what they think about it.

I built it because I wanted it for my Lightning node, but one of the things that helps me curate my own thoughts is feedback from other people. It helps me discover things I didn’t see, solidify things I had a hunch about, prioritize what to do next with greater clarity. So I’d love if you use it and have thoughts you want to send my way.

