Why the GOP Should Embrace the Whistleblower If They Want to Survive Trump’s Impeachment

Anyone caught toeing the line won’t have a career to speak of when it’s all over

Matthew Rosario
7 min readOct 9, 2019


Never go all in unless you know you can win. Always hedge your bets.

That’s more than sound gambling advice. It’s sound political advice, too — advice that many GOP members are refusing to heed at their own peril.

As the biggest political firestorm since watergate engulfs Trump and his administration, the scandal involving an implicit quid pro quo with Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, threatens to take down the entire Republican Party along with it.

But we’ve seen this movie before, right? The Oo’s and ahh’s, an entire electorate gasping in disbelief as the president man-child makes quick work of undoing 300 years of perfecting our democratic republic. But the tension builds to an apex of climactic anticipation that never seems to tip. And those of us sane enough to care resume a roller coaster of hopeless anxiety, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Sound familiar?

But while there are certainly reasons to be skeptical that calls for impeachment would actually result in Trump’s removal, there are a few factors that would suggest jaded citizens may very…

