I Adapted Garyvee’s $1.80 Strategy to Twitter… and I Love It

Matt Sulava
6 min readApr 2, 2019


I started a Twitter in February because I wanted a way to create a personal brand and GaryVee always stresses the importance of being on social media and creating a community for yourself. I really had no idea what I was doing when I began, but I soon heard about Gary’s $1.80 Strategy he created for Instagram. I adapted this strategy to Twitter and seemed to have a good amount of success with meeting people in the flipping community and interacting with others who share a common interest with myself. Within two months, I’ve already gained 100+ followers, which might not seem like a lot, but really for me, it’s more than I ever thought I would have. I just really wanted to share this with everyone because it’s been pretty effective for me and undoubtedly could help you as well.


Gary’s $1.80 Strategy is predicated on leaving your two cents on 90 different posts per day (2₵ * 90 = $1.80). Gary uses 10 different hashtags that are trending in a specific area of the world, whether it be your area or an area you’re trying to build a community in on Instagram. He searches hashtags, leaves of thoughtful comment on the top nine posts, and then moves on. Twitter, to my knowledge, doesn’t really have this sort of a feature. They do have some trending hashtags that I use from time to time, but what I really enjoy is finding hashtags that deal with my interests and searching them three to five times a day. I then comment on the latest and top posts and move on to the next one.


It’s really quite simple; someone puts out a tweet. I go on Twitter and search #muglife:

Searching #muglife on Twitter.

I then click on the “Top” and “Latest” tabs to see which tweets are doing well and which ones have been tweeted since my last search:

Looking through “Top” and “Latest” tweet tabs.

I see their tweet with the hashtag, and I leave a comment whether it be “Awesome mug!”, or “Love the mug! Where did you find it?”

Finding a tweet about someone flipping mugs, and responding to it with a comment.

Leaving little comments like this 90 times per day has been the most effective way of building my Twitter following since I created it 2 months ago.


I have also coupled Gary’s $1.80 Strategy with doing a lot of written word and adding it to my timeline on Twitter. Tweeting at people and talking to people that enjoy what I have to say and share similar interests to mine allows me to build a community that has similar passions and hobbies as I do. I write about stuff that interests me and naturally, my audience reads it because it’s something that’s interesting to them. I always try to write an article that provides the audience value, just as Gary always stresses.

People are following you because they want to gain some sort of value or information from you. Maybe the value you provide is a chuckle here and there, or maybe you give them a new way to do something with their business that they would have never thought of had they not seen your Tweet. Whatever it is, like it or not, people will follow you for the value you provide them, and writing articles on Medium has been my instrument for providing more value than just a tweet and there.

Once people find your article (barring they find it valuable), they often times will like and retweet it. This is extremely helpful in building a Twitter community because often times, their followers enjoy what you enjoy. If your followers share your interests, then your followers’ followers should like what you like. Not all of them will, but at least some of them will, and you may gain a few more followers from people that have already found your stuff and shared it with people they know. It’s a kind of cascading effect where you start with one person, he/she reads your article and retweets it, three more people like and retweet it, and it builds out from there.


One way I have been getting my Medium articles noticed is by making them my pinned tweet. Some people might think that you’re pushing too hard to try and get people to read your articles, but I always make sure each tweet involving an article of mine is constructed in a way that doesn’t demand the reader read my article. Instead, I add an interesting thought that relates to my article to each tweet I make about something I’ve written. I believe that if people really want to know what I’m writing about, they will click the link without me begging them to do so. If people want to read what you’re writing about, they’ll do the same! Medium articles have proved to be very helpful in providing people more value and providing myself with more recognition as I read about things that people are interested in.


For me, I don’t really see a lot of value and doing the follow and unfollow tactic just to get people to follow me. They are not all real followers; maybe some of them will stick around, but more often than not, they’ll just unfollow you once you start talking because they aren’t actually interested in what you have to say. By deploying the $1.80 Strategy, you’re building a community around you and your profile on Twitter or whatever social media site you decide to adapt this to. You’ll find that people want to interact with your tweets because the ones that end up following you, actually care about what you have to say and want to listen! The $1.80 Strategy GaryVee put out has been my instrument in gaining Twitter followers, and has substantially increased the rate at which I meet them!

One last piece of advice I can give is searching Twitter for query ‘@garyvee’, clicking on the latest tab, and replying to people that have recently tweeted Gary. He has created a really great community of people that want to help each other and promote kindness. Most of the time, his followers are really nice people. I always go in and check through and see who’s tweeting at Gary and reply to as many of them as I can. It’s an awesome way to meet people in Gary’s community, and you also find some really genuine people in doing so.


Since I started my Twitter, I’ve been able to meet some really awesome people and see people do some amazing things with the content Gary has put out, even transforming their lives through flipping! I’m very thankful for all 100+ followers that I have, and I’m excited to meet more people and create a bigger community that can interact and swap ideas about flipping, social media, and anything else! I appreciate that you care enough to follow me and see what I’m up to! If you don’t follow me, I still hope that this could provide you some value and help you grow your own Twitter profile. This article was not written to steal Gary’s idea, but rather, to share a way that the $1.80 Strategy can be adapted to Twitter and has proved to be effective for me. I know it can help you out as well! If you begin using this idea and like it, or have any questions about it, feel free to reach out to me! Also, don’t forget to thank you very for providing us with the original idea of the $1.80 Strategy! As always, thank you so much for reading!

Let me know what you think in the comments or on Twitter @mattsulava!

