Taking risks but really…

Matthew Thorpe
2 min readJan 6, 2019


Photo by Simon Moog on Unsplash

Some say that you shouldn’t be afraid to take risks. But what does it really mean to take a risk? Is it jumping off a bridge or is it making just a slight change of what you’re doing or not doing that equals taking a risk.

For years I been in the creative space trying to find what to do differently or how to reinvent myself to get more clients or business. From coming up with cool business names and ideas to trying to develop the coolest looking website. I found out 10 years later none of that matters. What really matters is you the person being who you are authentically. People want to know you and who you are and buy into you. Yes, what you can do for them is important but that wasn’t the only reason they chose you. They chose you because of the person behind what was being done for them.

The last year and a half I was trying to develop my success by thinking I needed the coolest logo, new website, and grand service titles and descriptions. All the changes in the world I made didn’t matter. It didn’t change anything. I didn’t get any more business, in fact, I found myself losing business because I had lost the relationship aspect of building and getting to know people. All the grand ideas that I was working on proving that at the end of the day the problem was me.

The problem was I didn’t know how to be myself so I decided to try and create or build different things that represented elements of me. While all those things are great they don’t speak for me and are definitely not the core of me.

As I was sitting in this first week of the New Year of 2019 I was trying to figure out what I was going to do as I was behind on bills and what I was not just going to change but take a risk. So I decide to just do a video and post it on YouTube and be committed to vlog daily. Then I decided not to stop there and begin blogging this being the first one. Check out the video and subscribe to me on YouTube as well.


So I end this first blog by challenging you to seriously just go do something that you keep talking about doing that you haven’t done yet. Don’t wait until you think you have everything in place. If it’s a blog just go write it and publish it. Is it that video you keep talking about doing but haven’t done yet? Just record and post it don’t worry about trying to perfect it all. Take a risk!



Matthew Thorpe

A Michigander that loves people, design, and writing. I believe all you need is a brain to think, and a pen and paper to create.