Matt T.inAge of AwarenessEveryone is the hero of their own story: does role-play have a place in the social studies…Throughout my career as a civics teacher, I have loved running Mock Congress in my classes. Research has shown that simulations can help…Nov 15, 20238Nov 15, 20238
Matt T.inAge of AwarenessThe difficulty of talking with students about Gaza“You better not be teaching any of that Jewish stuff,” a student said to Scott, a veteran teacher in Chicago. The school, with a large…Nov 9, 202323Nov 9, 202323
Matt T.inAge of AwarenessThe Cubicle Model of EducationWhen I begin my unit on macroeconomics at the beginning of the school year, I like to present students with a survey from the New York…Aug 15, 20231Aug 15, 20231
Matt T.inAge of AwarenessWhy I Am Quitting TeachingWhile millions of students and teachers prepare for a return to classrooms next month, for the first time in nine years, I will not be one…Jul 31, 202340Jul 31, 202340
Matt T.inILLUMINATIONHave schools completely lost their minds about cell phones?You may have seen a video going around social media this past week of a Tennessee teacher getting pepper-sprayed by a student after taking…May 18, 202311May 18, 202311
Matt T.inAge of AwarenessSenioritis is a policy choiceI am in my eighth year of teaching, and in six of those years,I have taught 12th graders. 12th graders are simultaneously one of the most…May 8, 202314May 8, 202314
Matt T.inILLUMINATIONShould students have to memorize names and dates in history class?This week, the NAEP — also known as “the nation’s report card” — revealed that only 22% of eighth graders were proficient in civics. This…May 4, 202329May 4, 202329
Matt T.inEduCreateIf it’s important, do it in the classroomThe summer before I became a teacher, a friend of mine who had been an English teacher for 15 years gave me a piece of advice that has…Mar 1, 20234Mar 1, 20234
Matt T.inAge of AwarenessAre restorative practices to blame for the shooting of a Virginia teacher?The problem of discipline in schools — or lack thereof — culminated last month when a 6 year-old student shot his teacher in Newport News…Feb 25, 202311Feb 25, 202311
Matt T.inAge of AwarenessPlease Don’t Grade DiscussionsEarly in my teaching career, one of the most controversial choices I made was to not grade discussions–even against the advice of teachers…Jan 25, 202330Jan 25, 202330