Building Sustainable Software: A Developer’s Guide to Green Coding

Mattias Tornqvist
3 min readJun 20, 2023


In an age where sustainability and environmental consciousness are not just buzzwords but imperative calls to action, every industry must reevaluate its practices. The software industry is no exception. In this comprehensive article, we will introduce the concept of green coding or sustainable software development and explore the strategies that developers can employ to make their code more energy-efficient.

Introduction to Sustainability in Software Development

Sustainability in software development, often referred to as Green Coding, is the practice of writing and optimizing code in a manner that minimizes its environmental impact. This involves reducing the energy consumption of running software, which in turn, leads to a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in data centers which are notorious for their high energy use.

The impact of the software industry on the environment is often underestimated. However, with the growing number of digital services and the increasing dependence on technology, the carbon footprint of our code is becoming more significant.

Why Does Green Coding Matter?

tree leaves with rain falling the background
Photo by Goutham Krishna on Unsplash

1. Environmental Impact

Data centers account for about 1% of global electricity use, and this number is rising. Reducing the energy consumption of software can have a direct impact on reducing carbon emissions.

2. Economic Benefits

Energy-efficient software can reduce electricity costs which can be particularly beneficial for businesses operating at a large scale.

3. Social Responsibility

As developers, incorporating sustainability into our practices is part of our social responsibility to contribute to environmental conservation.

The Building Blocks of Green Coding

1. Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures

The choice of algorithms and data structures can significantly affect the performance and, consequently, the energy efficiency of your code. Opt for algorithms that have lower time complexity. Additionally, select data structures that are memory efficient.

2. Optimizing Database Queries

Database queries can be resource-intensive. Optimize your queries by doing things like indexing, paginating, and avoiding N+1 query problems.

3. Code Profiling and Optimization

Use profiling tools to analyze your code and identify bottlenecks. Optimize these parts of your code by refactoring or employing more efficient algorithms.

4. Scalability and Load Balancing

Build your software to scale according to the demand. Using load balancers and scaling practices can ensure that resources are only used when necessary.

a motorway with car lights stretched out on the road because of long shutter time
Photo by Joey Kyber on Unsplash

5. Utilize Caching

Caching can significantly reduce the resources required for data processing. Implement caching strategies to store and retrieve data more efficiently.

6. Optimize Front-end Resources

Front-end optimization is equally important. This includes optimizing images, using lazy loading, minimizing HTTP requests, and compressing web content.

7. Consider the Hardware

Write code that is well-optimized for the hardware it runs on. This includes considering the number of cores, memory hierarchy, and utilizing hardware acceleration if possible.

8. Green Hosting

Choose web hosting services that are committed to renewable energy and carbon offsetting.

9. Sustainable Third-party Services

Be mindful of the third-party services and APIs you use. Opt for those that prioritize sustainability in their operations.

10. Continuous Monitoring

Continuously monitor the performance and resource usage of your applications. This will help you make data-driven decisions regarding optimizations.

Measuring the Impact

Quantifying the environmental impact of your code can be challenging. However, tools such as Google’s Carbon Calculator for cloud services, or measuring the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of data centers can provide some insights. Additionally, setting performance budgets for web applications can be an effective approach.

Building a Sustainable Culture

Embracing green coding is not just about the code itself. It’s also about fostering a culture of sustainability within the development community. Educate your peers, participate in



Mattias Tornqvist

Software industry professional since 2016. Fullstack developer & Scrum Master, former Product Owner and experience in software requirements and testing