Get Telegram Notifications every time a TX from/to your ETH wallet is completed

Matías Caricato
3 min readJun 25, 2020


How to get Telegram notifications every time your ETH transactions are completed in 5 minutes:

What do you need?

Let’s get started

  1. Sign in to (leave it open, we’ll use it later)
  2. Go to Telegram, start a conversation with the username@BotFather (Telegram Oficial Bot) to create a new bot
  3. Once there, just type /newbot and follow the instructions (you can choose any name)

4. Save the token, we’ll use it later

5. Now, let’s create a new Telegram group where you will get the notifications

6. Invite the following users as members: @RawDataBot and the bot we just created (@hal_tx_tracker in my case)

7. You will get a new message from @RowDataBot, copy and save the chat id from your new group (optional: you can remove this bot from your group now)

8. We have all the required data, let’s go back to Hal’s website

9. Head to “Watch a transaction

10. Put your wallet address in the following input (using FROM will get you notified when a TX from your wallet is completed while using TO will notify you the moment a TX to your wallet is completed)

11. Scroll down and check “Send using Telegram”. Now we’ll use the data we have saved before. Fill “Bot Token” with the token of the bot we’ve created and “Chat ID” with the one of our new Telegram Group

12. Scroll down again, type the name of your new Trigger (whichever you desire) and click Create

13. Done!🥳 Sit back and enjoy your free time, you will get a notification when your TXs are completed

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