The Innovation Engine

Product Management is Change Management

Matt Lane
Agile Insider


Source: Acuity Magazine

Many large and established organizations are well aware of how the competition is disrupting their core business(s). These growth and mature market enterprises are not always clear about how they can defend themselves, i.e., how to effectively implement continuous innovation and improvement.

After the growth market phase in your enterprise’s lifecycle, as seen in the figure below, it becomes imperative for large technology and non-technology companies, alike, to remain relevant and continuously provide customer value. To economically survive, these organizations must continue to invest in application and infrastructure improvements.

What ends up happening, though, is organizations looking to transform create a program committee of sorts to devise a project that can compete with these smaller, more nimble, businesses, such as technology startups. These startups have picked up on ways to unbundle value or offer similar services that are more refined than what is currently being offered. They are hyper-focused on customer needs, can move quickly, and make switching costs a non-problem for their users.



Matt Lane
Agile Insider

Product strategist focusing on differentiation, conceptual design, and ways of working.