Miss Adventures in Dating

005. Shmooch!

Matt McCabe
2 min readJun 8, 2022

Sam Taylor… Lucky in business. Unlucky in love. Follow her misadventures as she navigates trying to date in the 90's.

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Written by Matt Tolbert. Drawn by Kathryn LeMieux


Sam Taylor

President of the large marketing company, Taylor Made, a 250-employee national company. She’s an experienced manager, but she can’t manage her personal life. She’s very successful, but only in the office. Her strong A+ personality and her need to have an opinion on everything scares guys. She’s mid-30 something, attractive, and can’t even keep house plants, least of all a boyfriend.

Delilah Johnson

Delilah is Human Resources Director for a growing bagel franchise, Bengal Bagels. They produce multi-flavored bagels that look striped. Delilah is divorced with two children — Coty and Dakota. Her ex ran off and joined the rodeo. She’s very kind, sometimes to the paint of being annoying. She’s always understanding, forgiving and cooperative. She cares for people even if they walk all over her (especially guys). She needs to learn to say ‘No’ when people ask for favors. Her passiveness drives Sam crazy.

About Miss Adventures in Dating

A witty and refreshing venture into the lives of two single women. The comic humorously exposes the many faux pas, blunders and stereotypes of dating in the 90’s. The main characters, Samantha and Delilah, drudge through dating, relationships and other earthly rituals that make us wonder if it is all worth missing TV.

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