A Near Death Conversation with God.

Matt Moss
3 min readMar 18, 2016

I’ve been sick the past few days. Actually, my whole family has. The house is a wreck and we don’t care. It’s a struggle to get off the couch and walk hunched back to the sink for a glass of water. The energy is drained, the body is tired, and the mind is exhausted. I try to overlook the pressure in my head that is giving me a constant headache. The only good thing about being sick is the feeling that you get when you’re over it. There’s nothing else like it. I feel like a brand new man, full of life, energy, and drive. As I wait for myself to get better, the thought hit me; what if we’re all sick and our souls are waiting for us to get better?

There’s a quote going around the net that goes something like this, “You weren’t born to pay bills and die.” It has mountains in the background calling for an adventure.

Every single person that has ever lived is unique. There is no one like you in the world. There never has been and there never will be. God has made you with purpose. A one-of-a-kind soul blueprint. You, and only you, can create, make, and shape your world. The creator has a perfect plan for your soul’s path, but the choice is ultimately up to you. That is the beauty in being human. We live and we die. Life, and the time given to us, is a gift. Given that time does not exist to God, and eternity is the sea in which the soul resides, how precious then is every single sunrise that we see.

If I had a near death experience, and stood in front of the Almighty, I wonder what he would say.

“Here you are the way I created you, with all your gifts, talents, and skills.” God says to me while revealing my soul at purpose.

I stand in awe at the things that I could, would, and should have done.

“This is the road that I made straight for you, but look at how many turns you took. Look at how many bumps you hit along the way.”

“But, God, I was young. I didn’t know what I know now. I partied, lived for the moment, and enjoyed life to the fullest.”

“And after you tired of the aesthetic life, what then? Why didn’t you find your soul’s path?” God says.

“Life happened. I went to work, had bills to pay, and started a family.”

“That’s great, and I understand, but why didn’t you do more?” God says and fast forwards my life to where I’m an old man. I see that my children are grown, gone, living their own lives. I see my wife, gray headed like me.

“I worked my whole life, paid my bills, went to church, raised my kids the best I could, and was faithful to my wife. I deserve a break. I deserve to retire in comfort. I’ve worked hard for it. What else do you want from me?”

God looks at me and smiles. “It’s never too late to find your soul’s calling. The choice is, and has always been, yours.”

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Thanks for reading. If this moved you, subsribe to my personal blog and stay current with all my notations on life.

