How to Become Awesome In 2 Steps

I will teach you how to live a life you love.

Matt Schlicht


Imagine a magical world where every day you get to wake up and do what you love.

You like to play the violin? Awesome. You really enjoy drawing comic books? Perfect. Your favorite thing to do is make silly videos? Boom! Go for it. You get to do that all day every day.

But this world doesn’t exist right? We have to do jobs we don’t like, right?


I have literally spent every day since I was 18 waking up and doing what I love: designing and building social products. I led product at Ustream for almost four years with a team of 70 incredibly talented engineers at my disposal, I have raised capital for my own products, I have worked with celebrities on products, and I have invested in product oriented companies.

January 2008 at the Crunchies with Kevin Rose, I am 19 in this picture (and oh yes, I have champagne in my hand!). This was the day before I started working at Ustream full time.

I know when I say it like that it sounds crazy. You could claim that I got lucky, or I did something really complicated that is hard to repeat. You could say a lot of things, but the truth is that it’s very simple. How did I start doing things I love every day? I started doing things I love every day.

Me showing Snoop Dogg Ustream in 2009

Ok”, you say, “Sure I could do what I love, but how is that going to support me?” Great question.

What most people don’t realize is that there aren’t a lot of experts in the world. If you simply choose to focus on the thing you love to do, you can become an expert at it. If you can become an expert at it, you can do it for a living. Now you are doing what you love all the time.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Figure out what you love to do! Don’t know yet? Figure that shit out!
  2. Start doing that thing every day. Awesome things will start to happen. You wouldn’t believe how attractive you become to the world once you start doing what you love.

It’s so simple! JUST DO IT!

I promise you, from the bottom of my heart. If you follow these two simple rules you too will be awesome and living a life you love. It’s not going to be easy, it’s going to incredibly challenging, but you are going to love it.

Need another reason to follow this advice?

Because you only live once (#YOLO!). You have a limited amount of time on earth, why would you waste a moment doing something you don’t love to do? Get up right now and start doing cool shit, I don’t want you on your death bed remembering that you didn’t listen to this post.

When you start doing what you love every day, send me a tweet, I would love to chat. (or tell me what I should write about next, I will probably do it if you ask <3)

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Matt Schlicht

Building and writing about AI as CEO/engineer at Octane AI . Scout for Boost VC's $90mil sci-fi fund. Alum: Ustream, YC, Forbes 30 Under 30 x 2.