Hazoret the Fervent- Red Deck Wins

Matt Gerrity
3 min readJun 5, 2022


If you like hyper aggressive, fast paced gameplans, Hazoret the Fervent Aggro provides the perfect option for racing down your opponent.

This deck was first featured by popular content creator MTGGoldfish. It is one of my favorite decks to play online or bring to the table so I wanted to give it a spotlight. At only $41 dollars, it is a great budget deck with a high-ceiling gameplan.

Across 18 games on Magic Arena, it posted a 67% winrate for me. The craziest part? The games averaged about 3 minutes and 20 seconds. That shows the potential for how quickly the deck can burn out your opponents, but also how the deck falls off the rails if you do not get a solid start.

The key finishers in this deck are Hazoret the Fervent, Glorybringer, and Rekindling Phoenix. Notice that they all have one thing in common- haste. The deck is all about aggression and these creatures provide fantastic value in that department. You will be casting nearly all your cards by the time Hazoret the Fervent hits the battlefield, so you will easily meet her requirement of one or fewer cards in hand in order to attack. Glorybringer allows you to Exert him to immediately destroy a blocker or key backline unit. Rekindling Phoenix’s ability to return to the battlefield means it will be difficult for your opponent to permanently get rid of the threat.

Bomat Courier is the underrated superstar of the deck. His ability to refill your hand after several attacks is perfect for the 1-drop in your mana curve. It means he can swing in for several attacks, chip in some damage, and when a 1 attack unit would no longer do much, you can sacrifice him to find your bigger threats like Hazoret the Fervent.

Kari Zev, Skyship Raider makes it easy to go wide. Since most of your units are so cheap, Kari Zev’s ability to make yet another 2/1 attacker when she attacks overwhelms your opponent with units.

Earthshaker Khenra and Ahn-Crop Crasher both have the ability to force creatures to be unable to block, meaning your attacks do not have to worry about taking poor trades as often.

Cards like Built to Smash and Lightning Strike allow you to take favorable trades with opponents’ units and find the last tick of damage to finish the game. Overall, the deck relies on burning down the opponent as quickly as possible. That means we heavily focus our deckbuilding on that sole gameplan. Besides Lightning Strike for removing a few units, we have very few answers to our opponent’s counterplay. Board wipes, especially, can ruin our game. The strategy is to simply burn your opponents out before they have the chance to stabilize. So while we struggle against Control decks, we have the ability to outmatch our opponent’s board-based gameplans with our efficient early game units that race down our opponent as they are forced to sacrifice their own gameplan to try to stall us.

This deck offers a fantastic option if you are looking for quick games and heavy hitting action! It is a very board-based deck if you enjoy that style. At only $41 dollars, it provides a budget option featuring some nostalgic cards from the MonoRed era when Hazoret the Fervent was a staple in the meta.



Matt Gerrity

Matt is a Sport Management student with a love for games, reading, and a puppy named Olive. He has experience as an esports journalist with GGRecon.