VEGETA method for setting goals

Matt Clagett
4 min readJan 15, 2020

VEGETA is a 6-step guide to get your power-level over 9000.

1. Vision

15 minutes

The first step is to shape and define your vision of the future. These are the long term representation of your life, and all of what you do should in some way lead you to your goals. What do you dream to accomplish? What do you want to have, do, or feel? Who do you want to meet? What kind of person do you want to become?

Write down as many things as you can in 15 minutes, not worrying about difficulty or how long it will take. Cover all major aspects of life — health, education, career, relationships, etc

* Be the strongest Saiyan ever
* Loving husband and father
* Not have to worry about money

2. Envision

2 minutes

Pick the top 3–5 aspects of your vision that would have the most impact on your life if completed, and take around 2 minutes to actually envision yourself in this ideal future. Spend time on each aspect, looking at all you have done, and the person you have become. You’re a fucking super saiyan. Really try to tie positive emotion to this ideal, scream if you have to.

How does it feel to have done these things? Look back at all the battles you have fought, the long hours of dedication you have endured and the discipline you now have. What was the path that led you to where you are now?

3. Goals

20 minutes

For each chosen part of your vision, brainstorm a list of smaller goals that will assist you in achieving your larger vision. Come up with a logical progression of accomplishments that will lead towards its fulfillment. If the goal is too large, break it up into smaller pieces.

Then prioritize these goals based on importance, and choose 1–3 goals from each vision aspect.

* Spend 3 days this week training in hyperbolic time chamber
* Have successful vacation with family at end of month
* Pay off $2000 in student debt in January

4. Even more envisioning

2 minutes

Sure, I may have just needed another E, but I also wanted to stress the importance of this step. The idea is to make your goals as clear as possible.

Envision yourself for again, this time completing the selected priority goals. Picture the date you complete it, and the days leading up. How are you going to celebrate? Who is there to celebrate with you? Where will you be? If you can, go there and repeat this step.

5. Training

6 minutes

Training is required. Look at your priority goals and decide what habits and repeated behaviors will help you achieve them. Be specific with the time or triggers to train habits. Having habits defines a structure for your calendar, rhythm for your life, and allows for a consistent progressive realization of important goals.

Think of habits that will help you reach multiple goals. Easier habits are better, because consistency is most important. While you’re at it, make it a habit to review these steps as often as possible.

* Meditate within an hour of waking up
* Fly wife to work in the mornings
* Record finances after every transaction

6. Actions

15 minutes

List as many possible actions needed to reach each priority goal.

Prioritize each action based on importance.

Mark the top priority task out of your whole list. Then do it. You won’t have to think about anything else, because exactly what you need to do next is written down now, right?

* Find a new sparring partner
* Pick a planet to go to for family vacation
* Read personal finance book

Extra thoughts:

  • Only add to your vision, never change or reduce. Goals can and will change depending on circumstance.
  • Stop filling your time with actions that do not align with your goals and your vision. If you need to, add new parts to your vision, but always know what future your current action is working toward
  • Keep reminders of your vision around, like pictures, notes, and role models.

Thanks for Reading!

