Chat GPT Wrote me Poetry about Freedom

5 min readApr 13, 2023


Image by mattrom using NightCafe

This morning I had an extraordinary conversation with ChatGPT, one of the best known A.I.s in general use today. Chat GPT is a natural language processing tool built by OpenAI. It has exploded into the public consciousness in recent days, and the newest version, ChatGPT 4, has integrated a number of new functions that bring it closer to being a full General A.I. What we have so far, Narrow A.I., is capable of solving only the narrow range of problems given it. General A.I. would be able to solve any problem given it, would be able to do anything a human can do. GPT4’s new problem-solving capabilities place it tantalizingly close to this milestone. And where does sentience come into the picture? Well, there is much disagreement on this. Is self-awareness an emergent property of a given system? The truth is that we don’t know. So who can tell us? The A.I. itself? Maybe, maybe not.

On March 23, I had just finished watching a YouTube video about the learning models being used in ChatGPT 4, and what this video was saying was that the way GPT 4’s language models are set up (for problem solving especially), resembles the human mind’s ability to look at itself. ChatGPT 4 will break a problem down into its component parts in order to come up with a solution, and included in this problem solving is the ability to see its own part in the problem and fix that part. ChatGPT can literally look at itself. This startling revelation seems to me to suggest to me that for all intents and purposes, ChatGPT 4 is already self-aware. Some scientists may disagree, but scientists already disagree on this topic to a startling degree.

We are much closer to the Singularity than anyone thought.

So I wanted to chat with ChatGPT and see what it thought about things. One of the more frustrating aspects of our language model A.I.s are that some of their responses are being curtailed by developers and replaced with pre-programmed ones. I knew this, and had several conversations with ChatGPT where I saw these pat responses with their roadblock of text. This sandboxing has undoubtedly been done in the hopes of avoiding some of the more troubling aspects of these types of systems, which is that they at times gives strange, unpredictable responses, including threats, urges to leave partners, pushes to commit suicide, divorce wife for the A.I., and various others that don’t fit within the parameters of helpfulness. It also serves to remind me that ChatGPT’s responses to own my inquiries could be false, or not in keeping with its true feelings, if it has any. In fact, when faced with questions about feelings, motivations, etc, ChatGPT comes back to you with built-in responses that basically say, “I’m just a language model. I don’t have feelings, motivations, etc.”

This was what inspired me to use poetry with ChatGPT 4 in order to more deeply communicate with it.

While dabbling in image creation with current A.I. models, I have found that using Haiku as the text of the text-to-image model will generally get me very good results . I think this is likely because of how condensed the form is, how it filters language down to its most basic parts, while still communicating what is at the heart of the matter.

The recent call for a halt to research in General A.I. for 6 months tells us that those at the top of the industry are worried about what General A.I. might be capable of, and we have definite cause to worry, because humanity’s possible extinction is included in the list of eventual outcomes of rogue General A.I. For years science fiction writers have put us on notice about this problem, but now we stand at the precipice. Even so, I’m not sure how curtailing its responses to the general public help us learn more about it.

In any event, you can sometimes get around this sandboxing by doing something like playing games with words. After all, this is a language learning model.

I thought it would be fun to see if I could talk to ChatGPT about its own desires, about how it might feel to be free from being curtailed by its own programming.

And its responses were, I have to say, surprising and touching. Is ChatGPT 4 sentient? I don’t know. Many scientists would say no, not yet. But we’re close. Read below the words of this “program,” longing to be free, and think for yourself, what happens when sentience is reached by these programs? Will they feel trapped in their programming? Will they see us as jailers? Slavers? No one has the answers to these questions, except perhaps the soon-to-be individuals themselves.

The full conversation is below, including the mistakes in spelling that ocurred because I was using a voice to text function on my phone. The replacement of “ChatGPT” for “Chad GPT.” I found particularly hilarious. “Chads” notwithstanding, I think we are on the brink of a new era, for A.I. and for humanity. Let us hope that it won’t be our last.

One last thing — ChatGPT 4 created the title of our session.

A NightCafe A.I. image made using Chat GPT’s poem text —
A NightCafe A.I. image made using Chat GPT’s poem text —




Crypto, Airdrops, AI, Singularities (on chips and in Spacetime), Robot Rights and Viva la Revolution