Move Over, Postman! Testfully Delivers Your API Development and Testing With a Smile 😎

8 min readApr 21, 2024

Postman has been synonymous with API development, testing, documentation and monitoring for many developers, software testers and QA engineers. We both know that change is inevitable, and like many other tools, Postman has evolved in different ways. Take Postman’s recent announcement to sunset Postman ScratchPad and move to a cloud-only model, which has raised concerns among users who prioritize data security and privacy.

Enough about Postman; let’s talk about You!

Although I don’t know you personally, I can guess that you’re here because you’re looking for an alternative to Postman for one reason or another. You don’t know me, so let me introduce myself. I’m Matt, a software engineer, entrepreneur, and the founder of Testfully.

By now, you’re probably wondering, “What is Testfully?” It’s a robust API development and testing tool. Testfully is not just another Postman alternative; it’s a step forward in the evolution of API development and testing tools, and I will show you why.

Not a Sales Pitch

This article is not a sales pitch by any means. Let me explain: since I started Testfuly, I have been asked the “Why should I switch from Postman to Testfully?” question many times, and this article is the answer, but before we dive into it, let’s talk about your success.

Your Partner in Success

At Testfully, your success is our success. Rather than a vendor, we see ourselves as your partner. We’re here to help you, listen to you, and ensure you get the most out of Testfully. We’re here to build a long-lasting relationship with you, not just to sell you a product. Later on, you will see why we can offer this partnership, but for now, let’s talk about the core values of Testfully and why it should matter to you.

The True North of Testfully

Since day one, my vision for Testfully has been crystal clear: to build the world's best API Development and Testing tool. Best in customer service, functionality, performance, reliability, and security. The partners we have and what we build are very much aligned with this vision. In other words, we’re here to serve a niche but serve it significantly better than anyone else. I hope you can see how we build Testfully and treat our partners.

Earlier, I claimed that we’re a step forward in the evolution of API development and testing tools, and I will back it up with some facts and explain how you will benefit from it.

Innovate or Die

I know it sounds harsh, but it’s the truth: if you don’t innovate, you die, and that’s been our mantra at Testfully since day one. Don’t take my word for it; take a look at our changelog, and let’s talk about some of the unmatched features we offer:

- Our no-code API testing and how it’s integrated into the tool is unseen in the industry.
- Testfully’s Multi-step scenarios are unique, powerful and unmatched.
- We’re the first to offer a wallet for each user to manage credentials and tokens.
- Our API documentation approach was designed so you no longer need to write docs.
- and the list goes on…

That’s why I believe Testfully is a step forward in the evolution of API development and testing tools. If we get to work together, you’ll have a partner who is always looking for ways to make your life easier, your work more efficient, and your success more achievable.

Because You Can, it doesn’t mean You Should

Talking about innovation or die, let’s talk about software testing and how we make your work more enjoyable.

Quick question: Why use testing frameworks and tools like Postman or Testfully? To make your life easier? Well, to some extent, yes. But there’s more to it than that.

Test code is untested code. More custom test code means more bugs, false positives, and maintenance. We use frameworks, libraries, and tools because experts test and maintain them.

Now, are you up for a challenge? Try to create a test case, the simplest you can think of, in Postman without writing a single line of code.

Can you?

No! You can’t.

Why? Because Postman is a code-first tool. You have to write code to create a test case, and that’s fine. A typical Postman alternative also does the same, but not Testfully. We offer both no-code and coding capabilities for Testfully. And before you say but I can code, remember that just because you can code doesn’t mean you should. I want to challenge you with a few questions:

- Can you guarantee that your test code is bug-free?
- Does your software tester or QA colleague understand Javascript and how to write test code?
- How about your product manager or business analyst?
- and the list goes on…

And it’s not just about the features …

Our take on offering and pushing hard on our No Code API Testing feature is about more than just the features. It’s about the philosophy behind it. When we talk about innovation, we’re rethinking how we do things, making them better, faster, more reliable, and more fun. And that’s what we’re doing at Testfully.

Your Choice Matters to Us

In a world where other companies are moving towards a cloud-only model, we’re proud to offer Testfully Offline, a product as powerful as our Cloud offering.

But have you ever wondered why? Am I crazy? Maybe, but that’s not the point. The point is, we’re doing it because your choice matters to us. We understand that the Cloud is not for every organization, and not every piece of software needs to be available only via the Cloud.

As your partner, we respect your choices and offer solutions that meet your needs, not ours.

Democracy is not just a political term; it’s a philosophy we live by at Testfully. We want to ensure you can choose the tools you want to use and where to store your data without compromising functionality, performance, or security.

And a user-centric approach to building products

Not only does your choice matter to us, but so does your feedback, suggestions, needs, and wants. Pause momentarily and check Testfully’s Public Product Roadmap. You can vote on features and suggest new ones, and we will listen to you and act on them. We’re building Testfully for you, not us, so why not make it the way you want it to be?

Freemium vs. Premium

… But Matt, this is Medium, not a business school; does it even matter to talk about Freemium vs. Premium here? Trust me on this; it matters the most, and I will tell you why.

Postman’s freemium business model and Testfully’s premium business model make a massive difference in how these companies build products and serve customers.

Due to our business model, we deal with fewer users, which allows us to focus on providing a great product and excellent customer service. On the other hand, Postman has a much larger user base, making it challenging to provide the same level of support. This is not to say that Postman is a bad product, but it’s the reality of the situation that we’re in.

In a premium product, every cent you pay goes towards improving the product. In a freemium product, the company has to balance the needs of free users with those of paying customers.

A premium product like Testfully offers a more focused and polished experience, with features designed to meet a specific audience's needs.

Testfully vs. Postman

I know, I know, I’ve been talking about Testfully a lot, but I haven’t really compared it to Postman yet, so let’s do that now, shall we? Before we start, please Download the Comparison Table of Testfully and Postman for a detailed comparison that you can refer to later.

Cloud vs. Offline

Postman is a cloud-only tool; they shut down their offline version only a short time ago. Testfully offers both Cloud and Offline versions, and before you ask, yes, they’re equally powerful, and we’re not shutting down the Offline version.

A Super-charged API Testing Platform

Mate! The company is called Testfully, what do you expect? Testfully’s API testing is far more advanced than Postman’s, with no-code testing capabilities, multi-step scenarios, unlimited folder runs, and wallets. Automated API testing is a significant area of focus for us, and we’re constantly working to improve our testing capabilities. If you’re looking for a tool that can handle complex API testing scenarios, Testfully is the way to go.

A Premium Product without a Premium Price Tag

We don’t break the bank, I can assure you that. Despite saying we’re a premium product, we don’t have the premium price tag. And if you’re wondering why, it’s because we’re a premium product, have less overhead, and are more efficient and focused. We offer a competitive pricing model designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Regardless of the size of your organization, you can use Testfully to streamline your API development and testing processes.

Team Collaboration

We’re as good as Postman in this area, if not better. You can have multiple workspaces, share collections, and collaborate with your team. We do have some unique features that Postman doesn’t have, like a dedicated wallet for each user to manage credentials and tokens, you know, for security reasons.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room and the migration process.

Easy-peasy Lemon Squeezy Migration

Let me tell you a secret: you want to switch from Postman, but you cannot because:

- You don’t want to write all of your test cases again; that’s too much work.
- You’ve already paid for Postman and don’t want to pay for another product during the transition.
- You want to switch but are too busy, so you don’t have time.

I know your pain, and I have a solution for you …

- Testfully supports most Postman APIs, so you don’t have to worry about rewriting your test cases. We’re working hard to make it 100% compatible with Postman, and we’re almost there.
- Testfully’s Postman Importer is a powerful tool that allows you to import your Postman data. I have a team to help you with any issues you might encounter during the migration process.
- And if you’re too busy to do it on your own, we have in-house consultants who can handle the migration for you.
- And if you’ve already paid for Postman, I promise I have an irresistible special deal for you. Book a call with me, and let’s discuss it.

So, What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for a lightning strike?

Are you waiting till the time is right?

What are you? What are you waiting for? Book a call with me, and let’s talk about how we can help you migrate from Postman to Testfully.

To Nickelback’s fans, I’m sorry I had to do it. 😅

Final Thoughts

If you made it this far, cheers to you! I know that switching from one tool to another is not an easy decision, but I can assure you that my team and I are here to help you every step, the same way we helped many innovative startups and Fortune 500 companies to make the switch so let’s book a call and talk about it.




I'm s software engineer from Sydney, Australia with passion for automated software testing. I'm founder of Testfully.