Being Gender-diverse and a Bisexual AMAB.

2 min readJun 24, 2023


A short article by matthew

Growing up thinking you one way only to realize your not quite that.

Like beliving you just a strait guy.

Yes I did and still do find the opset sex atrive in many ways but their were times I would fantisy about my own sex but I was told this was wrong and tried to make excues for it. I was broght about as christain and that played a part of me thing this was wrong and seeing things in the world saying was wrong But these feelings would come and go. 2 to 5 years ago I rell beging to quesion my sexalty one and off an this year I finlly come to accept I am probly unbder the bi umbrella even now I feel like a fake somtimes.

My gender this is a weired one and I am still sorting this one not as soild as my sexlity. I do see my self as a male usually by defult. But part of me likes being seen and treated like girl /woman. This part of me somtimes wish I would permently traion But I know I probly would not be happy with this becuse I still see my self as a guy.

This can somtimes be a mess so I may just try to lve part time as a female when I am in a safer living evement. I deffently need to move out as soon as I can.

Here is a picture the female version of me and incase you are wondering yes I did alter it some what to help it look more of the female version of me but I tred to keep it to a minmum and give it a realstic of what I realitly could do with decent makeup skin care and styled wig.

Here is what I usually look like

Ok this the end of my first offcail article.

