Summer Night at Wrigley

In July I went to a White Sox — Cubs game by myself at Wrigley and I took a long ass note on my phone. I thought I deleted it by accident, but I found it last night. Go Cubs Go.

Matt DaSilva
5 min readNov 3, 2016


Don’t have a ticket, but decide to head to Wrigleyville to scope the scene. Year of the Cub. Got my Cubs Spring Training hat on. Woo.

Got off the train, followed ppl down an alley who looked like they knew what they were doing. Staff member outside smoking a cigarette. Didn’t seem to be feeling the Cub fever. Decided to do a lap around the stadium.

Walked by the brownstones with seats on the roof where everyone chills and watches the game. Wrigley Rooftop security lady couldn’t tell me what they cost — she “Only does security.” But she was very nice. Handsome guy with really pretty eyes says they’re sold at about 100 each, with all you can eat spread. Pretty good view. Said they were sold out every night. I said congrats. Not sure why I said that, since he probably gets paid the same regardless.

Haven’t decided if I really wanna go in or not. Didn’t have any bleacher seats for sale. Which was kinda like my goal. And you can’t sneak into the bleachers here, it’s a separate entrance. Which is weird. Like where else are bleacher seats such a coveted thing?

According to the guy behind me the local McDonald’s is the second most valuable McDonald’s location in the city. He was also wearing swim shoes though. Like the ones you would wear in a locker room to not get athletes foot, so not so sure about my source.

Still not sure if I want to go in. I mean I want to, but I don’t reallllly feel like buying a ticket.

Well I paid for a ticket and I’m going in. Standing room only. Very quick change of mind there.

Nothing is as humid as the wrigley field men’s room. Nothing.

Found a seat. Behind home plate like 40 rows? Would be incredible view, but there is a pole blocking the shortstop. I mean as long as no one hits it there I’m good. But like everyone hits it to he shortstop.

Guy next to me has a Cubs hat, shirt and a scraggly gray beard. He asked if I was Cubs fan. I said Red Sox, we small talked about how I should sit outside the stadium instead of next to him. It was good.

Chris sale is pitching. I said I wanted him in Boston, he said it’s an audition for the Cubs tonight. I said the white sox would be crazy to trade him. He said Chris sale is crazy, cuz the whole jersey cutting incident. Which I mean yeah. Then he said “well we’ve already traded for Chapman and he had to miss 30 games for beating his girlfriend, so I don’t think cutting jerseys is really gonna be a huge deal.” That’s kinda hard to argue with.

Base hit by zobrist puts Cubs up

Scottie pippen is in the house and ppl are INTO IT.

Booted from my seat. Beard guy was very nice. Even told his friends to sit somewhere else so I could stay. But then another from his group was like “No Jim. Make HIM move” and I took that as my cue to go. Now perched on a railing below the upper deck seats. And as I write that the girl next to me almost fell off and spilled her beer below. Gonna stand and lean instead of perch.

Was not hungry when I get here but HOLY SHIT the grilled onions smell is incredible. Never used to like onions. And still not like a thing I die for. But the grilled onions here on the hotdogs?? Out of control.

Overheard from hefty drunk friendly guy next to me, speaking to some girls he has been trying to make moves on: anyone have a fake ID? This after offering to buy them drinks. Gotta respect that hustle. All cash, no age. But also he looks 30 so that’s confusing.

Lot of white sox fans here! Like surprising amount kinda. And fairly vocal. Good for them. Team’s going nowhere.

Chris sale with the base knock on the ground ball off second base and the crowd goes wild but a smelly ass dude has decided that standing room only means standing like an inch away from me so my excitement is tempered.

He has started cleaning his finger nails. After this inning is hot dog time.

Got beer instead.

Precarious seating situation at the moment. Place is truly crowded af

Made it to a dope situation. Upper deck for exactly one batter. Then got bounced by rightful owners.

Hefty guy asking for a fake ID spotted on this upper deck level. No idea how/why.

Now it’s take me out to the ball game time. Harry Calas on scoreboard, ppl singing along, oh man this is great.

Found a seat. Right field line. Up a bit. Feeling good. Reallllly hoping I don’t have to move again =(

Rondon gives up lead off double in 8th. Crowd not feeling it. Chapman is up in pen. I ask guy behind me to confirm that that is him. He says “yeah he’s a 9th inning man”

DAMN I’m out again. Back on the prowl. Game is tight and good and ppl are INTO it.

Chapman came in. It was pretty awesome. Don’t think anyone was thinking too much about the whole “had to miss 30 games for beating his girlfriend” thing. Most of the time sports is great because talent is more important than anything. But also sports can kinda suck sometimes because talent is more important than anything.

I ended up next to the sweaty guy asking for fake IDs again. Kinda wanna know his story but I mean I’m definitely not gonna ask.

Okay fingers super crossed but after a quick potty I may have found the ripest of seat situations. Bottom 8, Cubs now up 3–1. Never did get that hot dog cuz the lines were too damn long. Had a moment where I thought I found an empty line. Got very excited. Like .4 seconds later realized no one was in line because they were done selling hot dogs. Very sad. Very very not good.

Watching drunk 20 somethings try to find their way back to their seats is incredible. Just full of false bravado, but in their eyes you can see fear. Like you may be swaggering toward your section but I see right through it and you, my sweet frat friend, are lost. Eyes glazed, hat crooked (not intentionally). Good luck fair sailor of the sections. May there be a lukewarm bud light awaiting you upon your return from the potty room.

Cubs win. Go Cubs Go. Good luck to all the gray beards and sweaty hefty dudes out there.

