Introducing Custom Training & Visual Search, Clarifai’s AI-powered tools to unlock machine learning for everyone

Matt Zeiler
5 min readSep 29, 2016

We started doing “artificial intelligence” back when the concept of AI was still a matter of science fiction. Today, AI isn’t just a terrible movie with Jude Law and that kid from The Sixth Sense, it’s a reality.

Over the last few years, we at Clarifai have immersed ourselves in the world of visual recognition AI. We created and mastered groundbreaking new technology, partnered with thousands of businesses and developers to create AI-powered solutions, and learned vital lessons from real users and customers that we’ve used to make our product better. You could say we’ve been neck-deep in deep learning. Along the way, we helped a medical imaging company bring state-of-the-art care to people in areas without adequate access to doctors. We helped an online commenting company make the internet a safer space. We even helped a wedding company make its users’ wedding days even more special.

We’ve learned a lot since our company’s inception in 2013, and we’re excited to announce the culmination of our hard-earned expertise in two exciting new game-changing products — Custom Training and Visual Search.

What are Custom Training and Visual Search?

Custom Training and Visual Search are two products that unlock the power of AI for anyone — businesses, developers, and consumers — no matter what their technical skill level.

Custom Training is a concept we’ve been excited about ever since we started working with our very first customers. We launched our company with a “General Model” that understands 11,000+ concepts from objects to emotions to ideas. As we gained traction, we discovered that many of our customers had needs beyond a one-size-fits-all general model. They needed models that could recognize industry-specific concepts like food, travel, weddings, or Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content. So, we started building those “Domain Models” with our years of expertise and team of data scientists. But, we knew that no matter how many models our team built, it would be impossible to address every single unique customer need out there.

Google Cloud Vision, IBM Watson, Microsoft, etc. are focused on general and domain models; We at Clarifai know that the future of AI is enabling people to teach their own custom models.

Our new Custom Training product puts training AI models in the hands of our customers, so they can personalize our visual recognition AI to see the world as they do.

We’ve put a lot of time and research into distilling the complex problem of training an AI model to understand new concepts into an easy-to-use product that is orders of magnitude faster and easier than traditional methods. Now, instead of requiring 1) a team of data scientists, 2) special infrastructure, 3) tons of code, 4) thousands of data examples per concept, and 5) weeks of training, Custom Training allows anyone to “teach” AI a new concept in a matter of seconds using less than ten data examples.

Custom Training is orders of magnitude faster and easier than traditional methods of “teaching” AI.

With less than ten examples, you can “teach” AI to recognize new concepts with high accuracy.

With Custom Training, we make it easier and faster for companies and developers to make AI work for them. Not only that, by putting the power to “teach” AI in the hands of everyone in the world, we’re helping AI learn to be more diverse and unbiased, understanding the world from different and more nuanced perspectives. But, Custom Training is just one piece of the puzzle. Another piece is our new Visual Search product.

Visual Search enables businesses and developers to easily tap into AI-powered search so they can browse, find, and recommend images by keyword, visual similarity, or a combination of both. It’s easily the most powerful way to connect users with exactly what they’re looking for at exactly the right time. With just a few lines of code and a fraction of the cost, developers and businesses can leverage the same powerful technology that gives giant tech companies like Amazon and Pinterest a competitive edge in their own apps and workflows.

Using Clarifai, any developer or business can leverage the same powerful technology that gives giant tech companies like Amazon and Pinterest a competitive edge.

What can Custom Training and Visual Search do?

We gave some developers an early preview of our new products to see what creative, useful, and fun hacks they could come up with. We expected that the infinite creativity of our burgeoning developer community paired with the ability to make AI see the world from their point of view would be an explosively imaginative combination, and we were right.

From figuring out the best seat to catch a fly ball at an Atlanta Braves game to training the AI to understand dating preferences to cataloguing the New York Public Library’s historical documents to building smarter shopping recommendations, we were impressed at all the use cases that we ourselves had never even dreamed of. And that’s why we’re so excited to set our products free in the wild — to put the power of transformative AI technology in the hands of everyone around the world, and see what amazing things people create.

Clarifai puts the power of transformative AI technology in the hands of everyone around the world.

This is just the beginning. We feel grateful for the thriving developer community centered around our AI technology and we are working hard to make Clarifai the fastest, most accurate, and easiest-to-use visual recognition AI on the market. We’re learning everyday and we want you to learn with us, because this technology is the cornerstone of the next generation of smart apps. We want you to join us as dedicated students of AI, so we’re giving away 50,000 FREE API credits to anyone who wants to try our new Custom Training and Visual Search products — sign up here and go wild!

