10 reasons why you should use Redux Toolkit in your web development projects

Cephas Tokoli
3 min readAug 5, 2023


The Redux Toolkit has quickly gained popularity as an important tool in modern web development. It is a comprehensive and robust library that makes managing state in JavaScript applications much simpler and more streamlined. With its standardized approach to state management, Redux Toolkit has become a game-changer for developers and is widely used. In this article, we will highlight ten reasons why Redux Toolkit is critical for building scalable, maintainable, and efficient web applications.

1. Simplified Boilerplate Code

When you use Redux Toolkit, you can reduce boilerplate code for setting up and managing Redux stores. With a few lines of code, you can create a store, define reducers, and dispatch actions. This streamlined approach accelerates development and ensures that developers can focus on building features rather than dealing with repetitive setup tasks.

2. Built-in Immutability

Immutability is a core principle of Redux, and Redux Toolkit enforces it by leveraging the Immer library. Immer allows developers to write code that appears to directly modify the state, while it internally ensures immutability. This simplifies state updates and safeguards against accidental mutations, making code more reliable and maintainable.

3. Single Store, Global State

Redux Toolkit maintains a single, centralized store to hold the application state. This global state can be accessed and updated from any component, simplifying data sharing and communication between different parts of the application. The single store also facilitates state debugging and inspection, enhancing the overall development experience.

4. DevTools Integration

Redux DevTools are essential for debugging and understanding application state changes. Redux Toolkit seamlessly integrates with these DevTools, allowing developers to monitor and travel back in time to inspect state history. The DevTools enable efficient debugging and help identify issues during development and testing phases.

5. Asynchronous Action Handling

Handling asynchronous actions can be challenging in traditional Redux. Redux Toolkit simplifies this process with the built-in `createAsyncThunk` utility, which provides a consistent and straightforward way to manage asynchronous operations. This feature helps in handling network requests, API calls, and other asynchronous tasks effortlessly.

6. Enhanced Performance

Redux Toolkit offers a performance optimization feature known as “memoization.” With `createSlice`, memoization is automatically implemented, avoiding unnecessary recomputations and enhancing application performance. Memoization ensures that only modified parts of the state trigger updates, making the application more efficient.

7. Encourages Best Practices

Redux Toolkit promotes best practices in state management and Redux development. It guides developers towards writing maintainable and scalable code by following standard patterns and principles. The built-in features encourage developers to write clean, predictable, and testable code.

8. Easy Migration from Legacy Redux

For developers who have been using the traditional Redux setup, Redux Toolkit offers a smooth migration path. The `configureStore` function simplifies store configuration and can replace the cumbersome `combineReducers`, `applyMiddleware`, and other setup steps used in legacy Redux codebases.

9. Community and Ecosystem

Redux Toolkit has gained significant traction within the developer community. As a result, a vast ecosystem of libraries, plugins, and extensions has emerged around it. This strong community support ensures access to resources, documentation, and solutions to common challenges faced during development.

10. Backward Compatibility

Redux Toolkit is designed to maintain backward compatibility with the existing Redux ecosystem. Developers can gradually adopt Redux Toolkit in their projects without rewriting their entire codebase. This allows teams to take advantage of the latest features while incrementally updating their applications.


Redux Toolkit is a must-have tool for modern web development due to its simplicity, performance enhancements, and adherence to best practices. Its built-in features and seamless integration with Redux DevTools ensure efficient state management and streamlined development. Whether you are starting a new project or looking to optimize an existing Redux application, adopting Redux Toolkit can significantly improve your development process and application performance.

