A Study in Isolation Illustration

Maureen Stewart
21 min readMar 29, 2020

All captions are from participants

An illustrative series based on your moments in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. My hope is that you’ll find some collective compassion, hope, joy and love for each other through these narratives.

United in Isolation, 2020 | №30

“Gowning up for the first time entering a covid room was the single most anxiety producing moment of my nursing career. I was going into a small, compact room with a very sick, positive patient. He was incessantly coughing, on high flow oxygen, and I had only a gown, eye shield, and a mask to protect me. I couldn’t help but think, this very well may be how I die. This could be a turning point in my life if I am not safe, careful or smart.

A tech was helping me gather all the supplies I needed so I wouldn’t have to leave and re-enter the patient’s room. We were going to tackle this patient together and give him his pills, change his soiled pads and sheets, catheterize him for a urine sample, draw blood, get an EKG, and administer a breathing treatment. In that moment we knew we would be in his room for at least 30 minutes. She and I looked at each other, held hands and she said to me, let’s be safe and smart and let’s be fast.



Maureen Stewart

Artist, designer and dabbler in all sorts of creative endeavors