Ty Burrell, His Family Ancestry, and ADOS

Maurice Carlisle
2 min readApr 23, 2019

I was in an discussion concerning ADOS and a random Twitter user mentioned something about Ty Burrell having black slave ancestors on the question of him being considered ADOS. I didn’t have an answer for that Twitter user because this news is very new to me. I am doing serious research on this and yes, it’s true Ty Burrell does have black slave ancestors. However, on the Census they are classified as “mulatto.” Mulatto is another word for half black, half white or mixed race person. Here’s the statement on this from http://ethnicelebs.com/ty-burrell

Both Ty’s maternal grandmother, Lucy Weeks, and Ty’s maternal great-grandfather, George Weeks, are listed as “Mulatto” on the 1920 U.S. Census, and Ty’s great-grandfather George had also been listed as “Black” on other censuses, referring to this ancestry.

So can Ty Burrell be considered ADOS aka American Descendants of Slavery? Another question I would like to ask: has Ty Burrell’s ancestors and him have ever been on the bad end of the stick when it comes to Jim Crow, convict leasing, segregation, mass incarceration, housing discrimination, racial discrimination, war on drugs, the New Jim Crow?? The question to both of those questions should be no. First of all, in order to be considered ADOS, on the Census it should say your ancestors are Black. And in order for Ty Burrell to receive reparations, his ancestors as well as himself would have to suffer through all of the things I have mentioned in the second question in this paragraph. I can guarantee you based on his…

