Maurice ProsperGraduation Is Coming!Beyond Your expectations, God is about to blow your mind. May 271May 271
Maurice ProsperTune In Right!Stay on the right tune, because the negative voices can really deteriorate us. You decide whether or not to take in other people’s…May 24May 24
Maurice ProsperDon’t Keep Quiet, Speak too!It is not about what he speaks about you, it’s about what you want for yourself. Don’t allow him speak you down, who is “him?”Mar 272Mar 272
Maurice ProsperGet Out of The BoatIt’s a popular Bible story — Jesus walking on the sea — at least to a regular Christian or a consistent church attendee. It was a cool…Mar 251Mar 251
Maurice ProsperDon’t live the lie!We’re living in a time when there’s more deception than ever before. All over the internet, people sharing information that ain’t true…Mar 23Mar 23