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New Thought Leadership For Academics

…And The Written Word To Notify Your New Followers

Maurits van Sambeek
4 min readDec 17, 2018


It’s no secret anymore… Despite the rise of video and podcasts, the written word is still adamantly powerful. Take for example the words ‘Click Here’…

Did you hover over it with your mouse to click it?

This one mention doesn’t have a link attached though. But you often find it under a video or podcast and then click on it for the next step. This shows…

The Written Word Is What Signals Online…

In all kinds of formats, the written word amps up the messages that are shared.

And because of that it’s a science and art in increasing demand.

But how to learn it all?

And on top of that… how to get it all done in due time?

Whitepapers, eBooks, Articles, Blog posts, Follow-up emails…

You may want them, need them, or even just consider writing them all yourself…

If that sounds like fun, congratulations! You’re an avid writer.

If it sounds tedious or even a bit like a drag, as if it’s too time-consuming and inducing all kinds of stress… well, then pay close attention!*[i]

How To Get It All Done In Due Time…

When you have a tight schedule and an iron discipline, it can be a breeze to finish the pieces in time.

Yet this still means that you have to schedule, discipline and take your time to do it all by yourself.

Depending on what you want to accomplish it can then be of little effort or a lot of trouble.

So either way it asks for good health, mental strength and vehement time-management…

And in the end it also asks for relentless focus and tenacious productivity, no matter what your goals are.

By Three Modes Of Creation…

You can make everything way more easier though.

“A while ago I was deeply stuck in a rut. I left academia because it almost killed my creativity. Even though I loved to research and write about my findings, the sluggish progression of a philosophical paper got delayed each and every time by the necessary addition of yet another footnote.*[ii] So I decided to research other ways and went online. By Clicking Here and there I found many solutions for new thought leadership in my own life at first. (To read my story about that you can Click Here ← and yes, this is an actionable link!) But it was still quite overwhelming. The complexity at first got the best of me. Until I found a way to simplify it in three easy-to-understand modes of content creation…”

I wrote a special article on that for on my LinkedIn page (← and yes, this is an actionable link again!) to help other previously academic writers gain new momentum too.

In it I reveal three modes in which you can author your authenticity online.

Combined They Are Extremely Powerful…

For leveraging your creativity it works best to combine these different modes.

And although it can be a bit of a puzzle at first, it becomes easier and easier when you implement the simple consecutive steps as explained in the article (See link above↑).

The merge that will unfold can give you profound new insights, to say the least!

What comes next then is…

How To Continue With New Thought Leadership…

When you gain new insights it is natural that they have some effect.

They can be earth shattering or slightly shifting perspective.

Either way they give some fuel to think differently, or even more profoundly on what was thought of before.

It can then become a new motivator to share what you’ve learned.

And that sharing happens through the spoken and written word!*[iii]

This article for example is my way of sharing some of the most enlightening insights I had in the past few years.

So I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it for you!

And I’m looking forward to share my next article with you.

With love and blessings,

Maurits van Sambeek

P.S.: When you read the footnotes you get a short and concise overview of this article.*[iv] I hope you enjoy the overall reading experience provided here! Thank you for taking the time to think this article through😊

*[i] We’re about to embark on a new journey where writing becomes really fun again, even when you decide not to write it all yourself! I found three majestic ways of getting all your copy and content done. Also freeing up time in the process to write freely again, when you love to write whatever style suits you best, it releases stress and instead induces more and more pleasure in all aspects of your life! How great is that…!

*[ii] Isn’t it crazy how footnotes kill the pace of the reading experience, especially when they’re stuffed with all kinds of information like referrals, explanations, original texts in other languages, discussion points with other authors, Etc. Etc. Etc.

*[iii] Fortunately we live in an online age where it doesn’t have to be so hard to share anymore. And even though it’s valuable and honorable to give the right references, citations and credits where credits are due, it doesn’t have to stop you in your writing tracks anymore.

*[iv] Just read the article as mentioned above, follow suit on implementing the simple consecutive steps, and write your new thought leadership for a benevolent personal brand to thrive!

Call To Action

For help and extra guidance to quickly have your online presence updated, streamlined and going strong for years to come, simply go to this page:

