I'’m Loser

Meet the seven habits of losers

Our habits have great influence on our behavior. Do not use just acquire the habits of winners without prior getting rid of habits of losers

Maurivan Luiz
2 min readJan 16, 2015


Complains when you get the 2nd Monday and hope to reach 6 Monday

Losers hate working. Everything in their lives is summed up in the search for a new pair for a sexual adventure weekend. Therefore, the ballad is sacred and is thus evening into night, they spend their lives;

Do not like to make commitments in any area of ​​life

The losers have a aficção for independence. Commitments, indulge in a relationship, commit to work and fight for a goal, sacrificing himself for the sake of a higher goal, makes him feel enslaved;

The fear of losing influence their decisions more than their desire to win

Losers, on the natural fear that we all feel, rather than face it, they cower.

Result, not frustrate immediately, but do not achieve anything. The long-term victims feel the system or who have not had opportunities;

Drop out before the first difficulties

The losers are experts at manipulating themselves by creating persuasive arguments to give up on your goals. All this to escape from difficulties. One thesis is preferred: “I’m not happy doing it.”

Every activity that promotes professional growth is challenging. And the challenges create discomfort. Given the discomfort, the losers use to run their theses challenges. Result, do not grow;

As the losers accomplish nothing, the only thing that remains is the self-affirmation

Losers are proud, speak and defend their beliefs without any authority, and at the last minute, fleeing streak.

It is not unusual to see the losers themselves saying about their great skills and competencies that never put into practice;

Are hostage to their feelings

Our feelings, since unmanaged tonam up controlling our lives. The development of emotional intelligence makes us to master these demands in order to do the best choices.

The losers are thrown from one side to the other by their feelings. One of the favorite phrases of the losers is: “I do not control what is in my heart”;

Losers believe in luck

Believing in luck is a major anesthetics to the consciousness of a loser as being controlled by habits loser, by logical consequence, their results can never be the result of a winner. In this case, feel unlucky is more comforting to believe, it relieves pain, and develops a sense of self-pity typical losers: “I have no luck.”

When they hear of someone that their results are a consequence of their own choices, their preferred answer is: “Not really.” The losers are the absolute experts in relativity while generalize the relative.

