10 Traits Donald Trump Used to Achieve President Elect
Whether we like it or not America is a democratic country, and the people have voted. That’s democracy.
Now the question all over social media is how on earth did Donald do it?
Well he….
1 Took the risk to stand knowing the odds were against him.
2 Was brave like David to take on Goliath.
3 Broke the rules by not doing it the way other politicians do.
4 Remained true to who he is even though ridiculed for being brash, loud, outspoken and politically incorrect.
5 Did it his way and took the road less travelled.
6 Listened to his inner voice when the world was saying something different.
7 Learnt from failures and turned them round and failed forward to success.
8 Communicated his vision as the leader.
9 Never gave up and remained persistence to his goal.
10 Displayed determination, grit and tenacity.
Sound familiar? Should be he just displayed all the traits society admires and applauds, that hundreds of articles and books and self help programs advocate and make millions from. And if you value the trait then you value the trait, even if you don’t value the person or what they represent or stand for.
We may not admire the man; hey we may even hate him. We may or may not be happy with the election outcome but we’ve got to give it to the man, he’s executed using unconventional methods and achieved his goal against all the odds and isn’t that what successful entrepreneurs do?
Let’s wait and see if he is capable of manning up and becoming the person the job requires him to be, as that too is trait of a successful entrepreneur.