Hakuna Matata

2 min readApr 12, 2017



We have all heard the song and know that it means no worries for the rest of your days, a problem-free philosophy. However, how many of us can say that we have worry-free days? Probably not a lot. Our lives are full of experiences, good and bad, some that we may not have control over; our days are filled with activities that may worry or cause us stress.

Stress is defined as the a state of mental or physical strain or tension caused by adverse or demanding circumstances. It is the feeling we experience when we feel overwhelmed or challenged. Our bodies respond to stress in various ways, often with either short or long term effects. It is beneficial for individuals to be able to identify and manage the stresses they face for life will always be filled with stressful situations.

image from hoyespharmacy.com

For my presentation, I will be talking about stress, its effects on our bodies, and some of the ways we can manage stress. I would like you to answer some questions and watch a video.

Before watching the video, answer the following questions.

Have you experienced large amounts of stress recently? What are some of the sources of your stress? How do you try to manage your stress?

After answering the questions watch How To Make Stress Your Friend, a Ted Talk from a psychologist who has a different perspective on stress, and answer the following questions

What things did Kelly McGonigal, the psychologist, mentioned that surprised you? What did you learn? What do you agree or disagree with?

Please post your responses on Medium and post a link of it here. Be prepared to share some of your answers with the class.

