Why does money run the world?

1 min readApr 12, 2017


Homework for Dalton’s mini lesson

The Science of Greed, a talk given by Paul K. Piff, pointed out some of the behavior that wealthy individuals, whether that be in a game of monopoly or in real life, demonstrate. Something I found interesting was that with an increase in wealthy there is a decrease in empathy and compassion for individuals who are less fortunate. I had always assumed that individuals with more money would be willing to give it away to help others for they have an abundance of it. In addition, it was interesting finding out that people with nicer cars are more likely not to stop for a pedestrian at a street corner, breaking the law. I think that people reacted this way because they feel that since they have an abundance of money, they have more power and are able to get away with more for people of less wealth might have more respect for them.

