Mavin Newsletter #1

3 min readJan 8, 2018



Dear Mavin Friends,

Happy New Year! With the start of 2018, Mavin is also back — and boy have we got news for you!

  1. ICO postponed to Q2 2018
  2. Mavin Affilate Program soon to launch
  3. Building Network, Community and securing new advisors

Send us your feedback or questions to

ICO postponed to Q2 2018

As you all know, we postponed our ICO this December to late Q2 2018. This happened for various reasons, but the main one was the absolutely insane skyrocketing of marketing costs and the rise & risks of scams in the whole ICO world. Mavin was not ready to throw it’s marketing budget into this black hole so we came to the conclusion that sometimes slowing down is the better way to go.

A viable and healthy business development is key to our success, so the decision was soon made to reiterate our roadmap, analyze the situation and move on with a bigger, better and more sustainable plan.

We are happy to announce that we have secured 3 business angels who believe in the product and the team and are invested with around 500’000 USD. Another 400’000 USD of our current funding comes from our pre-ICO investments. We now have the bandwidth and capital to develop the mvp (minimum viable product) and on top of that to start with our new approach in crowd funding: the Mavin Affiliate Program for our main ICO.

New Aproach: Mavin Affiliate Program

Everyone is an influencer — so why not use our philosophy and take a new innovative, never done before route for our crowdfunding and upcoming coin distribution event in Q2 2018? We are putting ALL our marketing efforts into the hands of our backers and fans — the Mavins are creating a viral network of dedicated followers and building a community that will change the influencer industry as we know it!

What this means: besides our MVP, we built a mobile app for iOS and android which is in the same time an affiliate program, an ethereum wallet, a Mavin information and update-tool and a smart contract creation software. In this invite only app, backers can directly buy Mavin tokens and create an affiliate program to refer & endorse the Mavin coin distribution event to their friends, colleagues and family. If a person with the affiliate link decides to also buy Mavin tokens we reward the referrer with bonus Mavin tokens & Ether as well, this will be credited directly and in real time into his personal Mavin wallet. The bonus affiliate program runs over several levels of referrals which means the referring backer can benefit multiple times — earning additional Ether and Mavin Tokens on top of his initial funds. Isn’t that cool?

For Mavin this has following benefits:

  1. Everyone is an influencer: Having our backers promote MAVIN proves our business case and let us promote our own idea of influencing as a marketing tool!
  2. Building a dedicated user base: As the app is on mobile, once we launch our MAVIN core app, we can push it through to all our backers and affiliate program users
  3. Fundings: Through the viral effect of the affiliate program, we are sure to get the funding we need to build, scale and grow MAVIN to become the leading marketing platform for nano-influencers. The CDE this time will not have a cap nor is there a minimum required amount to be raised.

The affiliate program will launch end of January — and it is invite only. More information to come out soon!

Building Network, Community and securing new advisors

Of course there has been more we were working on — we have been in contact with influencers, companies and stakeholders throughout November and December, building a strong community of experts and Mavin aficionados that supports our efforts to disrupt the influencer marketing industry. We were able to sign a contracts with a top notch advisor — all of which we will be announcing in the upcoming days with a seperate article!

Stay tuned for more.

Meanwhile we wish you a happy New Year and looking forward to a successful 2018!

Everyone is an influencer!

Your Mavin-Team

PS. Please recommend us to your friends. We will be sending out a weekly short news-update starting this week.

Mavin is planning the ICO in Q2!

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A reward-based influencer marketing ecosystem on blockchain —