CFO Copilot Services

Mavish Global
2 min readJun 24, 2024


Elevate Your Finance Function: Comprehensive CFO Copilot Services

We provide services across the entire spectrum of finance function needs — from strategic planning and transaction advisory to financial reporting, cash flow optimization, profit maximization, finance team structuring, exit strategies, investor relations, and AI-driven finance solutions.

Strategic Planning

Crafting a roadmap to success requires precision and foresight. At Mavish Global Advisors , we empower you with:

Business Plan Assistance

Forge a robust business blue print to lead in a competitive landscape.

Budgeting, Forecasting, and Sensitivity Analysis

Navigate future challenges with confidence.

Transaction Support

Empower your growth journey with our comprehensive transactional expertise:

IPO Support

Seamlessly navigate the IPO process with seasoned interim CFO assistance.

M&A Support

Strategize and execute M&A transactions for maximum benefits with minimized risks.

Due Diligence

Transform due diligence into a strategic health-check exercise with our expert guidance.

Financial Reports & Executive Dashboard

Unleash the power of data-driven decision-making with our tailored solutions:

Financial Analytics & Reporting

Gain invaluable insights through meticulous financial analysis.

Board & Executive Dashboard

Present crisp and actionable MIS reports for informed strategic decisions.

CFO Health Check

Ensure your financial function is primed for success with our comprehensive assessment:

Accounting Health-Check

Strengthen your finance and accounting function with targeted recommendations.

Accounting Policies & Procedures

Establish robust internal controls with tailored policies and procedures.

Internal Controls

Implement effective finance and accounting controls tailored to your company’s needs.

Cashflow & Cost Management

Optimize your financial health with proactive management strategies:

Cashflow Management

Keep your business operations running smoothly with efficient cashflow forecasting.

Receivables Management

Enhance cashflow by optimizing accounts receivables turnover.

Cost Management & Profit Maximization

Unlock growth potential and enhance profitability with strategic cost management:

Cost Management

Strategically manage costs without compromising quality or morale.

Profit Maximization

Drive revenue growth and cost efficiencies to maximize profitability.

Finance Team Organization

Optimize your finance team’s performance with our tailored solutions:

Team Evaluation

Maximize team efficiency by leveraging individual strengths.

Gap Analysis

Identify and bridge performance gaps for optimal business performance.

Executive Search

Access top finance talent through our extensive



Mavish Global

At Mavish Global Advisors, we specialize in streamlining your business operations from start to finish through our comprehensive range of corporate services.