Use SwiftUI in UIKit View Controllers with UIHostingController

Max Nelson  (maxcodes)
4 min readMay 20, 2020


Many of us iOS developers are still working on UIKit, well storyboard, based iOS applications. One might be maintaining these apps or we have yet to become comfortable with creating SwiftUI based Xcode projects. Either way, we need a solid, not hacky solution until we are deep into SwiftUI down the road. This solution is UIHostingController.

If you are looking for the opposite. IE: putting a view controller in a SwiftUI view. You want to learn about UIViewControllerRepresentable, which I’ll go into at the end of this article with links to other resources. For now, let’s learn about UI hosting controller.

  • Problem: Developers have existing View Controllers we want to put SwiftUI views into.
  • Solution: UIHostingController

If you would rather watch a video on this exact article, here is a video I filmed of myself building and explaining a UIHostingController project.

Let’s Code

Step 1: create a new single view app Xcode project

  • Change user interface to Storyboard
  • We want to use Storyboard because it starts us off in a View Controller instead of a SwiftUI View. You can use SwiftUI, but you’ll have to change things in scene delegate. To avoid this, just use Storyboard for user interface.
  • This will all make sense after you learn a bit more SwiftUI

your project files should look like what you see in this screenshot.

Step 2: Create a SwiftUI view

  • Create a SwiftUI view and name it ContentView.swift
  • Don’t change anything in the file, we just want to quickly see how we can display it in ViewController.swift

Step 3: Create a UIHostingController

  • in ViewController.swift create an instance of UIHostingController and provide an instance of ContentView as the root view.
  • add the hosting controller’s view to the subview stack of the view controller’s view.
  • If you compile, you won’t see anything yet. Why?

Step 4: Adding the content view as a child

  • Since UIHostingController itself is not a view, we can’t just add the whole thing to the view sub stack.
  • Add your hosting controller as a child to the view controller directly.
  • If you compile it, it still won’t work because there is no frame or constraints on the view

Step 5 — Final Step — Add constraints (or a frame)

  • I use programmatic auto layout so let’s do that.
  • if you compile this code you will see our SwiftUI view is now in the View Controller.

You have now learned how to use UIHostingController.

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That’s all, Maxwell.

