The 10-Minute Core Workout Routine to Tone and Strengthen Your Tummy

6 min readJan 14, 2023


Why You Need to Start Doing Core Exercises

The core is the center of your body. It’s the foundation of your strength, stability and balance.

It’s also a key player in any exercise routine.

Core exercises are important because they help you maintain a strong back, improve posture and reduce injury risk.

Core exercises can be difficult to do correctly, but there are some simple ways to make them more effective.

The core is the center of your body. It is responsible for stabilizing and moving your spine, pelvis, and hips. Core exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles that make up your core.

Core exercises are important because they can help prevent back pain as well as other injuries. They can also help you feel more confident in your body and improve your posture.

1. Basic Plank Pose

Plank pose is a beginner-friendly yoga pose that can be done at home or in the office.

This is a beginner-friendly yoga pose that can be done at home or in the office. It strengthens your core muscles and improves your posture. To do this exercise, you will need to lie down on your stomach on the floor and then bring yourself up into a push-up position with your arms fully extended, but resting on the floor rather than propping yourself up with your hands.

Plank pose is a basic yoga pose that is done on the ground.

The plank pose is a beginner-friendly yoga pose that can be done on the ground. It’s a great way to build up your core muscles and get in some exercise.

The plank pose is an excellent way to strengthen your core muscles, but it can also be used for other purposes.

Bridge Pose is easy enough for beginners but still offers benefits for more advanced yogis as well.

Bridge Pose is a beginner’s pose that will help you to gain strength in your arms and core.

The bridge pose is a beginner’s pose that will help you to gain strength in your arms and core. It is also one of the best poses for opening up the chest area and relieving tension in the back.

Bridge pose is a great pose for beginners to help them build up strength and flexibility.

Bridge pose is a great pose for beginners to help them build up strength and flexibility. It can also be used as an active rest, which means you can use it when you need to catch your breath during yoga or break from a strenuous workout.

The bridge pose is an excellent way to work on your core muscles, spine, hips, and ankles while stretching your back.

3. Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch is a good exercise for beginners to train their abdominal muscles.

It is easy to do and can be done anywhere.

You will need a mat or towel and a pillow or rolled-up sweater.

This exercise is simple enough that most people can do it without any training, but if you are not sure how to do it, follow the steps below:

- lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart and your knees bent;

- put the pillow under your head, then use both hands to gently pull in towards your chest; -bring one knee up towards your chest so that you can use it as leverage with which you can push yourself up from the mat or towel; -push yourself up until you are in a sitting position, then lower yourself back down onto the ground while bringing the other knee into your chest; -repeat this process for 10 repetitions on each side.

4. Bird Dog Pose

The bird dog pose is a beginner exercise that strengthens the back and core muscles. The pose also improves balance, stability, and flexibility in the hips and low back while stretching the shoulders and hamstrings.

The bird dog pose is an easy-to-learn exercise that can be performed with or without weights. It should be performed on a mat or carpeted surface to avoid slipping or injury.

Bird Dog Pose is a beginner yoga pose often used to warm up the back and spine.

It is an effective pose for strengthening the arms, legs, and back muscles.

This pose also helps reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Basic Crunches

The basic crunch is a popular exercise among fitness experts because it can be done anywhere and doesn’t require any equipment.

A crunch is an exercise that targets the abdominal muscles. When you do a crunch, you are contracting your abdominal muscles to bring your upper body towards your lower body.

The basic crunch is a great way to strengthen the core and it can be modified to target different

The basic crunch is a great way to tone the muscles of your abs.

To do a basic crunch, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head or neck for support. Engage your abdominal muscles by pulling them in towards the spine. Then, curl up off the floor by contracting these muscles, lifting your shoulders and upper back off the ground as you tuck in your chin to keep from pushing it forward. Hold for two seconds at the top of the movement before lowering yourself back down to starting position and repeating.

The basic crunch is a great way to tone the muscles of your abs if done properly and with enough intensity, but it can also be dangerous if not done correctly. The most important thing is that you engage those abdominal muscles by pulling them in towards the spine first before doing any crunches so that they are used during exercise rather than just lying there while you do crunches on top of them!

muscle groups.

6. Warming Up Your Core with Standing Twists

Standing twists are an effective way to warm up the core muscles. They also work well as a cool-down exercise.

Standing twists are a great way to warm up the core muscles and can serve as a good cool-down exercise too.

Standing twists are a great exercise to do in the morning. They will warm up your core and help you get ready for the day.

This is a great exercise to do in the morning when you wake up, as it will help warm up your core and prepare you for the day.

Standing twists are a simple but effective way to get your body moving in the morning.

The best part of this exercise is that it can be done anywhere — at home, at work, or even on vacation!

7. The Plank and Side Plank

The plank is a great exercise to strengthen the core, the shoulders and the arms. The side plank is a great way to strengthen your core and shoulder muscles.

The Plank:

To do a plank, start with your weight on your toes and forearms. Keep your back flat and straight so you don’t arch it or let it sag. Then hold that position for as long as you can while keeping good form.

The Side Plank:

To start with the side plank, get into push-up position with one hand on the ground in front of you and one hand on the ground behind you. Your body should be in one straight line from head to toe, with only one arm touching the ground at any given time.

