Here’s A Protein Packed Pizza Recipe That Will Fit Your Macros Every Single Time

Now you can have your pizza, and eat it too.

Max Weber
4 min readMar 20, 2017

If you’re a human being (chances are good that you are), then you’re probably a fan of pizza.

I mean, let’s be honest… who doesn’t enjoy pizza? Just take a look at this picture…

It looks delicious! Don’t you agree? :)

Anyhow, I digress…

Despite how delicious pizza looks, and is… there is one thing that I don’t love about pizza… its macros (generally speaking).

You know, the protein, carb and fat (measured in grams) nutrient profile that makes up the calories in pizza.

Yeah, pizza macros typically aren’t so great… especially if you’re in diet mode and looking to shed some excess body fat and lean out for summer (or something like that).

However, that doesn’t need to be the case!

Here’s my belief:

If you love pizza, you should eat pizza.

Just make sure that your pizza fits your macros and aligns with your fitness and health goals!

And because that’s often quite difficult to do with most chain pick-up and delivery pizza joints, I’ve decided to share my go-to, delicious, protein-packed and macro friendly pizza recipe with you!

Important note: This pizza will help you shed fat like crazy, build lean muscle and make you sexy. Well, that’s not entirely true. But it’s also not entirely false. Basically, just make sure it fits your macros — which I’m confident it will! ;)

Find the recipe below:


How to make it

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 375°F.
  2. Weigh out 1-2 servings (depending on preference) of your pizza sauce.
  3. Chop 6oz of chicken into little baby bite sized pieces, 1 serving of fat-free mozzarella, 1 serving of 2% reduced-fat mozzarella, 1–2 servings mushrooms, 1–2 servings bell peppers and a handful of baby spinach.
  4. While your oven is still pre-heating, start to grill up your chicken. Season it with salt, pepper and/or whatever else you enjoy.
  5. Now while your chicken is cooking, spray your cooking tray with your non-stick spray. Then, take your FlatOut pizza crust and place it on your cooking tray and put it in the oven for 2 minutes.
  6. Wait 2 minutes.
  7. Take your FlatOut pizza crust out of the oven (use oven mitts!) and set it on your stove top. Spread your pizza sauce on your warm pizza crust.
  8. Then, place your baby spinach on top of the pizza sauce, followed by one serving of your mozzarella cheese.
  9. From there, add your chopped and grilled chicken, sliced peppers and sliced mushrooms on top of the first layer of cheese.
  10. Use your second serving of mozzarella cheese and cover your chicken, peppers and mushrooms (you may want to add more cheese, and if you do just make sure you weigh and track it!)
  11. Place your ready-to-bake pizza in the oven for another 6–8 minutes.
  12. Take your pizza out of the oven (again, use oven mitts!), enjoy the heck out of it and crush your macros!

And there you have it! That’s all it takes to make this protein packed pizza that will fit your macros every single time! Oh, what are the macros of the pizza you ask? Here you go:

Protein = 67g

Carbs = 42g

Fat = 10g

And yes, feel free to change-up the recipe to your liking. Maybe you don’t like peppers (and would rather have tomatoes), maybe you would rather use extra-lean ground turkey instead of grilled chicken, or maybe you just want to load up on more cheese —believe me, I get it! Whatever you want to do is cool with me, just respect those macros (and micros) and crush your goals! ;)

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this recipe, feel free to hit the little ❤️ button below, or share it with your pizza-loving friends! Also, I read and reply to all my comments so hit me up in the comments right here on Medium or on Twitter!



Max Weber

I write things from time to time. | Certified Personal Trainer