MaxBull Bounty Program

MaxBull Coin
7 min readNov 22, 2017


MaxBull Coin

MaxBull or MBull Coin Bounty Program

You can earn MBull Coins by participating in any of our following bounty campaigns leading up to and during the ICO!

The complete bounty pool is 30,00,000MBull coins (equating to 3% of the MBull available at ICO) to be split between this program and technical reviews.

There are 5 bounty campaign categories to apply for. Each category will have a maximum allocated bounty pool:

Newsletter & Slack Subscription
— Social Channel Activity Campaigns
— Signature/Avatar Campaign
— Community Manager Campaign or Ambassador (Pre-application is required)
— Translations Campaign (Pre-application is required)

For each bounty, you will need to submit a separate bounty application via an online form. The form is very simple and quick to complete.Links to the application forms are available via the individual bounty campaign descriptions below.

The process we distribute the bounty differs slightly for each campaign, but nonetheless, it’s quite straightforward. Any remaining funds in the bounty after paying out all the bounties may be awarded to applicants who missed out (i.e. due to individual campaign bounty pool cap).

Please do not forget to apply once you have completed the requirement for the bounty!!

By applying to one of the bounty campaign categories, you agree to the terms and conditions of the MaxBull Bounty Program as set forth herein.

Below detail the requirements for each bounty category:

1.Newsletter & Slack Subscription (Bounty Pool = 1,140,000MBull )

Subscribe to our Newsletter or join our Slack channel to receive a maximum of 400MBull
(If you have already previously signed up either or both our Newsletter and/or Slack community, please do not forget to apply for this bounty!)

— Only one account registration from the same IP;
— The Slack account must be online for more than 30 hours by the time the ICO ends;
— Any abuse will be banned and reported immediately.

— Submit application via link including your email, and Slack username (Only one application required only for each Newsletter or Subscription)

[Bounty Distribution]
— Applications which meet the above conditions will be awarded by a first-in-first-served basis, in accordance to the application submission.
— Newsletter subscribers are eligible for 200MBull
— Slack subscribers are eligible for 200MBull

2.Social Channel Activity Campaigns ( Bounty Pool = 14,70,000MBull )

Spread the words through your social channels!
The various methods applicable to this Bounty program are below:

Twitter Activities
Available only for Twitter accounts with 25+ followers.

Follow the MBull coin Twitter account and tweet/retweet on MBull to receive 25MBull ( per tweet or retweet ) — one time application only.

— Please note this is only available for Twitter account holders with 25+ followers;
— The applicant must be following the MBULL account for the duration of the ICO;
— The tweet/retweet must be appropriate.

— Provide Twitter ID via application form including link to each tweet/retweet

[Bounty Distribution]
— Applications which meet the above conditions will be awarded by a first-in-first-served basis, in accordance to the application submission.

Facebook Activities
Bounties are awarded for Facebook activities. There are 2 honours as below:

Like the MBull Coin Facebook page to receive 200MBull — one time application only

— Applicant must remain liking the MBull Coin Facebook page.

Share ,Like & Comment a MBull activity on Facebook to receive 50MBull * (capped at 300 MBull per week and 3000 MBull per applicant/person).

— Applicants must have be liking the MBull Coin Facebook page;
— Any commentary must be appropriate
— Only one comment per MBull Coin Facebook activity will be awarded

— Provide Facebook account name and link to each post (like/share/activity) with date via application form.

[Bounty Distribution]
— Applications which meet the above conditions will be awarded by a first-in-first-served basis, in accordance to the application submission.

Blog Posts:
Create a Blog Post to receive 100MBULL * per eligible blog post

The blog must:
— have 150 words minimum;
— include links to the MBULL Slack and website &
— be publicly accessible;
— have a minimum 100 views;
— not manipulate the view counts;
— be written in the same blog with over 3 previous appropriate posts (i.e. Cryptocurrency related);
— promote MBull ICO;
— Quora & Medium blogs are included this particular campaign.( Subject Should be MBull Coins)

— Submit application via link including link to the blog post.

[Bounty Distribution]
— Applications which meet the above conditions will be awarded by a first-in-first-served basis, in accordance to the application submission.

Reddit Activities

Available only for Reddit Activates

Follow the MBull coin Reddit Account & Submit new post/Thread link about MBULL Coin and to receive 500MBull — one time application only.

— Please note this is only available for Reddit account holders.
— The applicant must be following the MBULL account for the duration of the ICO;
— The Thread must be appropriate.

— Provide Reddit Profile URL via application form including link to each tweet/retweet.

[Bounty Distribution]
— Applications which meet the above conditions will be awarded by a first-in-first-served basis, in accordance to the application submission.

3.BitcoinTalk Signature & Avatar Campaign (Bounty Pool = 452,000 MBULL

Use the MBull signature and avatar (according to your profile level) below to receive MBull Coins !

The candidate:
— must create 100 different posts with the avatar and signature;
— must post relevant content and ensure suitability for the forum;
— must not change the Avatar or Signature during the ICO;
— must not use multiple accounts or spam (anyone abusing the system will be reported to the appropriate mediators leading to permanently disqualified from the campaign, and banned from all other bounties)

— Submit application form once with a link for us to view the avatar and signature on the forum.

[Bounty Distribution]
— Bounties will be provided to successful applicants as below (upon conditions met):

Legendary/Hero: 500
Sr./Full: 450
Member: 400
Jr. Member: 300

New Member:100

Below are the Avatars and Signatures to be used:




[Signature for Legendary / Senior Member/Full Member]

Signature Preview:


[center][color=#0174A6]▂▃▅▆█[/color] [url=][color=#0174A6][b]MaxBull Coin[/b][/color][/url] [color=#0174A6]█▆▅▃▂ [/color]

— [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color] — [color=#0174A6] — [/color]

[color=#96005D][url=][b]● The Next Generation Investment Coin[/b][/color][/url] [url=][b]● JOIN NOW ![/b][/url][/center]

[Signature for New Bie/Junior Member]

Signature Preview:


[center][url=]▂▃▅▆█ MaxBull Coin █▆▅▃▂ The Next Generation Investment Coin[/url] | [url=]JOIN NOW ![/url][/center]

4.Community Manager Campaign (4–5 Managers for Each Country. Bounty Pool = 403000MBULL (pre — application required)

The Community Manager Campaign has two elements where you may be rewarded:
1. Create and manage a country specific community room of 100+ members

Create a community (e.g. Telegram for China,, for Russia, LINE for Japan or a just simple Slack channel or other Facebook channel ( related to Bitcoin ) with a total of 100 members to receive 1,000MBull Coins ( Minimum 2 channels)

Community members will be registered on our website for as long as you wish, or until we deem appropriate (note this may extend beyond the ICO period).

— Understand the basics of MBull (what it is and how it works);
— Organize a country specific community (e.g. chat room, Slack, etc);
— Manage the channel appropriately until the conclusion of the ICO (i.e. answer all questions appropriately, ensure MBull is promoted, etc).

2. Increase community size
The community manager will be rewarded 500MBull Coins if the community reaches 500+ members.

— Creating and managing a country specific community is a prerequisite.

[Application for the complete Community Manager Campaign]
— Pre-application is required in order for the MBull team to vet appropriate Community Managers. It lies in MBull discretion to accept the pre-application and we thank you for your understanding that not all pre-application may be accepted. The relevant form is available at the below link:

5.Translation Campaign (Bounty Pool = 2,04,973MBULL)

Bounties are available for the translation of the following MBULL content:

(Note additional bounties may be rewarded for translation updates if applicable!)

— MBULL Bounty Program for 500MBULL Coins (i.e. this page —

- MBULL BitcoinTalk Page for 500MBULL Coins

— Submit application form once with a link for us to view translation Campaign.


It lies in MaxBull sole discretion to decide whether or not the criteria to qualify for a bounty allocation are fulfilled (e.g. whether or not a tweet/retweet is appropriate).

Awarding of bounties may be withheld at the discretion of the MBull team — the circumstance would usually be due to conditions not being met. Additional bounties may be awarded, at the discretion of MBull, in the event that there are leftover MBull Coins in the complete bounty allocation pool.

Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the MBull Bounty Program shall be exclusively decided by the ordinary courts of the city of London, UK and in accordance to UK law.



MaxBull Coin

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