Tales from the Simulacrum: Volume One

The Death of the Authentic and the Circustry of the Digitalized Reality

Max Daves
6 min readJul 20, 2018

The flaccid morbidity of these days is seen in how lies are elevated to the level of truth and the truth is plundered to fashion the lies which seek to extinguish the very truth it needs to steal to keep itself in existience. In the end the lies are all exposed by its dependence upon the truth. Thusly the truth will always win because it needs no lie to be true. Which is quite unlike the lie which cannot be anything on its own without truth itself. The truth is self evident and self sustaining without end. Not so with a lie.

Confusion among the nations and peoples is a symptom of a greater malady… pride. Pride is the malicious code injected into the human experience which corrupts all things. Confusion is a function of taking something out of its original intended context and misapplying it in a faulty context. That is precisely what a lie is. A lie is not the absence of truth but rather a corruption of it by using truth out of its orginally intended context and misapplying it in pride wrongly. Thusly the end state as such of a person or a nation which is in the lie become the architects of their own demise ensuring the truth in the phrase, pride comes before a fall. One cannot be freed from the confusion without first admitting they are confused. Likewise one cannot be freed from the tyranny of lies and deception without first seeing that they are in fact enslaved to and serving a lie which will ultimately bring them to their destruction.

What is the most valuable thing in a world of fake? Being real… Something the world needs more of. Something civil governance needs more of. Burn the scripts. Say what you mean and mean what you say… otherwise you are only keeping the whole mirage going while making it an ever growing prison of the absurd.

What is the most valuable thing in a world of lies? Truth. Something most people demand of others while hiding from it themselves. Yet do not swim daily in the digital signals and immerse ourselves in the social Tiamat of social media?

Now… Ask yourselves honestly why it is everyone feels compelled to be on social media? Is it not simply to promote ones selves? We shuffle data around like trained circus moneys on a treadmill don’t we? The actual statistics show just how absurd all this really is. Is this not a facsimile of the real? Do we not get rewarded for complicity not authenticity? You know, rewarded by that little dopamine burst when people approve of some post or share it. This is but simulacrum… plastic keyed folly. How often do we actually take the time to consider the ideas put forth beyond our search for our next socnet hormone hit? We are always selling something, promoting something never stopping to think that we are merely trained monkeys feeding the digital moguls more money as they sell out data to the highest bidders. We are all merchandise whose lives and time online is bought and sold like cheap candy in the checkout line at a convenience store. We live in a simulation of the real… the digital simulacrum. We are owned by it. Informed by it. Controlled by it and addicted to it. And what do we actually gain by this Futilitude of existience? Are we more informed? Are we more rational and sensible people for it? Tell me are we more kind and respectful of others because of it? I think not. Look around you. We are atrophying into automated singular bubbles of self obsessed shadows of the real. This is life in the utopian digital Republic of Unicornia. A mirage that is more in tune with an Orwellian nightmare mixed with Huxley’s brave new world. It is Didot like in it’s utter absurdity. We live in a shadowland of intellect and spiritual authenticity placated by the next thing we wish to buy in a pursuit of happiness which always remains just out of reach telling us the next person, place or thing will be the one that grants us happiness. But look at what we have become. Prisons unto ourselves. Echo chambers whose thoughts and ideas bounce off the walls of everyone else’s echo chambers filling our empty spaces with unintelligible noise. The cognitive dissonance is deafening as much as it is distorting in our digital fortresses.

The Sound of silence is terrifying to many of us it would seem. For the noise is often more comforting than the lack of its might possibly reveal. However without the silencing of the noise we cannot hear one another… we exist in the sea of noise of competing voices and emotive frequencies all jumbled up and mixed together with static. Should we really not question why this is?

Confirmation Bias of Fear Driven Self Derivatives

We accuse. We bitch. We complain. We post and we interact. But we rarely hear one another through the noise. What we do hear is often filtered through preconceived notions which stand guard at our ear gates. Thusly when someone is appears to be liar when they may have simply made a mistake. Why? Because it makes us feel better than other’s for brief moment allowing us to hide our own weakness which if exposed might bruise our fragile egos veiled from public view by movie set like faux iron walls of self righteousness. Now that is anything but living a real life. But fear keeps us doing it so we can get the next promotion or big deal. Welcome to the simulacrum. As it is for people so too it is for nations.

Social Media Users as Social Media Merchandise

The present day social networking platform favors the shallow over the real… the negative, dramatic and divisive over the creative, thoughtful and informative. All of social networking has become a great digital caste system designed to force time spent upon them for the merchandising of both your time and your data. Isn’t it about time the masses rise up and demand that if we are to be monetized and merchandised then we should also be compensated for the use of our data. Is that not fair compensation considering the prostitution of our data to who ever is desirous of it and for or for whatever reason they intend to use it? For we know that our personal data is whored out over and over to data brokers who often times have less than upright intents on its use. Perhaps it is time to make social networks into a cooperative business model which compensates us for using our time, content and digital data… or replace these relics all together for a collective new opportunity and social digital eco system. After all its all of us collectively who make billionaires out of those who pimp out our info to the highest bidder is it not? Collectively we have the power to exert pressure economically upon these platforms by unifying and replacing them or going on a data strike.

The arrogance of our times is seen in how so many companies and organizations having departed from the Tao of existing for the producing of goods and service for people at a reasonable profit, now see the the people themselves as a product to by bought and sold like digital slaves in a 21st century slave market. Sounds a great deal like apostate government and religion too doesn’t it? Perhaps that is why the new not so holy trinity is the inversion of government, business and religion and the endemic corruption found there wherein. How’s that pursuit of happiness going now it is compulsorily enforced? Puts a new spin on being a consumer when it is far too often means you are the one being consumed. Thus is good life in the People’s Technocratic Republic of Unicornia. 🦄


As it is for people so too it is for nations.

-Max Daves



Max Daves

CEO Founder (idea)ology Group Co-founder: Safe Haven Strategic Founder: OTHIEL Advanced Strategic Intelligence