M2M Day 331: That version of me is dead

Max Deutsch
2 min readSep 28, 2017


This post is part of Month to Master, a 12-month accelerated learning project. For September, my goal is to continuously freestyle rap for three minutes.

It’s almost the end of the month, which means I need to film my final freestyle performance in the next couple of days. It also means that I’ve been reflecting a bit on my progress over the past few weeks, and so have gone back to review some of the footage from earlier in the month.

Here’s the video I shot on Day 1…

Weirdly, in this video, my rapping is worse than I remember, but less embarrassing than I remember…

This is a fascinating observation: It means that my mental reference frame of my baseline freestyling skills has increased enough where 1. The rapping in this video seems comparably worse (naturally), and 2. Perhaps more interestingly, I no longer associate with this version of myself, therefore removing any amount of embarrassment that I previously felt.

I think this is so cool.

The way I feel is as if I visited my parents’ house and found a painting I made when I was age five. Clearly, this painting would be pretty bad… if it were painted by a 24-year-old. But it wasn’t — it was painted by a 5-year-old, so I can just look at the painting without feeling like its “badness” is somehow an embarrassing reflection on me.

This is how I feel about my freestyle rapping, except it’s only been 27 days.

Perhaps, this is generally how I feel about this entire project: As of I’ve grown over the past almost eleven months, I’ve unquestionally disassociated with the version of Max who existed pre-November 2016.

I didn’t intentionally disassociated with this version of myself. I liked this version of myself a lot. But, it’s really striking to think about how different I am now (Many fears, self-beliefs, etc. that I had at the beginning of this project now feel completely irrational and unimaginable).

I’m glad I feel this way. This is how I should feel, and how I hope to always feel as I continue to grow.

But… it’s genuinely the strangest feeling to watch a video I shot less than a month ago and 100% not associate with the person in the video. Weird.

Read the next post. Read the previous post.

Max Deutsch is an obsessive learner, product builder, and guinea pig for Month to Master.

If you want to follow along with Max’s year-long accelerated learning project, make sure to follow this Medium account.

