How = X Brings Cryptobanks to a New Level

2 min readOct 19, 2017


Banks are way too strong and influential to ignore the cryptocurrency market. They are already entering the cryptocurrency market and they can’t be stopped — they will receive their dividends. However, it’s a win-win situation for everyone. The faster a hypothetical JP Morgan implements smart contracts and blockchain, the better for all of its customers. The more banks implement cryptocurrency accounts, the more trust cryptocurrencies will gain among the common people.

We can talk all we want about how the cryptocurrencies have already conquered the world, but most people will fail to explain what these are and even more of them will refuse to put their savings in bitcoins. These technologies are still too complicated. These are still just hard-to-understand digits and letters on the screen. Even if the president of one of superstates confesses he or she loves the bitcoin, the trust towards them and their understandability won’t grow at scale. It’s the other way round with banks. Banks know how to sell their services with millions spent on staff training and advertising. They will sell you a bitcoin deposit, even if you don’t want one. And this is amazing. Listed as a part of other bank assets, cryptocurrencies will be associated with other assets, gold for example. And based on the degree of innovation, profitability and hype potential, cryptocurrencies leave their competitors from this list far behind.

However, major banks are too cumbersome to implement such innovations. And the speed is of utmost importance on the cryptocurrency market. The fastest and the most agile wins. Online banks are perfect candidates. But they are waiting for some certainty from regulators with new prohibitions emerging almost every month… Understanding this, we have decided to create a crypto bank of our own.

= X is a platform used to create a new category of services at the junction of major and protected offline banks and the most relevant online technologies (cryptocurrencies, blockchain, smart contracts), rendering banking services convenient and comfortable for everyone and making cryptocurrencies and online loans understandable and safe.

= X ready-to-use platform, which conforms to all standards and can be used to create customized financial services. With = X, investors will have a chance to make money on the growth of dozens of crypto banks integrated in our platform.

