Answering the Call of Art

The challenges and gifts of a creative life (and the costs of not answering the call)

Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash

You set out on a journey of heart, following an inner calling, a desire, a need, a longing to be creative.

The destination is not certain. The results are far from guaranteed, the dangers real. But you must go. Your heart calls you.

Those who ignore the call do so at great peril and cost to themselves, to others and to our world. Deep inside, you know this.

But still you are afraid, terribly afraid. The comforts of the known and familiar, of your idle pleasures and bad habits, are so alluring.

The nasty voices inside, the doubt, the critic, are so loud and convincing.

The perverse pleasures of staying small, pretending to be a victim, your addiction to your own suffering and imagined limitations, your stories about yourself and your life, are hard to give up.

The fears of shining, of revealing yourself in all your glory and flaws are overwhelming. And then there are so many distractions, so many things to attend to that would pull you away from the journey.

A Plague of Doubts

You wonder:



Maxima Kahn—writer, teacher, firekeeper.

Poet, author, teacher, creativity wizard. Offering beauty, inspiration, and magic for your artful soulful life @