Install & Configure Voyager Admin Panel for Laravel 7

Maxime Atton
7 min readJun 12, 2020

Install and configure the Voyager Admin Panel for your Laravel 7 API.

This guide implies …

That you already have a working Laravel 7.x API with a user table and at least one other data table related to your users.

If you want to build your API with Laravel and get yourself a clear starting point, you can follow this great tutorial (designed for Laravel 5.4 but works just fine with Laravel 7.x)

What is the Voyager Admin Panel for Laravel

When creating a API with Laravel, it may be useful to be able to manage the datas you are handling.

The simplest way to do so is to use the MySql console to SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE datas. Yet, using a terminal to do that is not convenient; You have to remember and type the correct commands, may encounter formatting glitches due to the size of your tables, ect..

The next method you could use, which is a little more user friendly, is PhpMyAdmin. It is very useful to manage the structure of your API’s database as we have now a graphical interface with checkboxes, buttons and lists instead of command lines. But, it is still pretty inefficient to manage the datas themselves as well as the users that have access to this

