Maximilian Beedle
5 min readJan 15, 2020


The Problem With Climate Change

The United Nations calls climate change: “the defining issue of our time.” Prominent politicians, celebrities and members of The mainstream media are also quick to use false or misleading statistics and guilt/scare tactics in order to try and create a sense of agreement among a voting constituency. Simultaneously, they create a sense of urgency in the timeliness of our response to global warming.

One example of a commonly sighted misleading fact when talking about climate change is the actual impact of CO2 emissions on our temperature. Current candidates for president like Joe Biden, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang and Pete Buttigieg have. endorsed a “carbon tax” to punish companies for their CO2 emissions. The Sen. from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, has voiced his support for bringing fossil fuel companies’ executives up on “criminal charges” for “knowingly destroying the planet.” Assuming that humans have accounted for 100% of the Global temperature increase in the last one hundred years, we would be responsible for a miniscule 9/10 of one degree celsius increase of warming according to the Director of The Cato Institute’s Center for the Study of Science, Patrick J. Michaels, PHD. So, you might be wondering, why the urgency? Why are these potential presidents and politicians so concerned about “our impact” on the climate if it is so small in actual numbers? According to the United Nations, the 32 different…

