Blockchain Seoul Meet 2018: MaxiMine, SCC and THEKEY Demystify Digital Wealth

3 min readMay 23, 2018


Seoul — prominent blockchains MaxiMine, Source Code Chain (SCC) and THEKEY convened in South Korea’s technological hub last Thursday for an interactive networking session on the noteworthy topic of digital wealth. Hosted by blockchain consulting firm Talenta as part of its Asia tour to bring blockchain technology around the world, the cozy conference had a promising lineup of distinguished speakers: Chairman of TALENTA, Mr Edward Du, China’s Most Outstanding Female Entrepeneur of the Year and CEO of THE KEY, Ms Catherine Li, and SCC’s Community Manager, Ms Quinn Li.

After a brief introduction from Talenta’s Chairman Mr Edward Du, the event kickstarted with an exciting eye-opening overview of MaxiMine’s project — the aptly named MaxiMine, a multi-token, multi-pool decentralised cloud mining platform that seeks to radically change the future of digital wealth with the flexibility of token-switching and decentralised mining access.

With the future of big data mounted in Cloud technology, MaxiMine’s fast-expanding cloud mining platform and its free-and-easy multi-token mining found much support among the South Korean audience for its potential benefits in liberalising the mining process.

The promising presentation was followed up by THEKEY’s Ms Catherine Li delivering an in-depth explanation of its breakthrough IDV2 technology — its powerful government-authorised Blockchain-based Dynamic Multi-Dimension Identification — prompting an excitable stream of questions from the South Korean audience.

Lastly, the event was rounded up by SCC’s Community Manager Ms Quinn Li who showcased the firm’s novel project that taps on AI technology to improve the work effiency of software engineering industry. With a crowdsourced incentive-based mechanism supporting its blockchain development, SCC brings a refreshing brand new mode of collaboration to freelance software developers.

The highlight of the Blockchain Seoul Meet 2018 was definitely having three disruptive blockchains in one space. The audience could view the blockchains’ individual merits as well as their complementary aspects, and recognise for themselves how these breakthrough technologies would advance the future of blockchain-fuelled digital wealth accumulation.

Above: Ms Catherine Li, CEO of THEKEY, delivering her presentation.

Above: An audience member sharing his insights in the interactive Q&A session.

Above: The lively Seoul Meet turnout.

Above: The blockchain firms at the event’s helm.

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