
Maximo Dev Custom ToolKit — A glimpse

Developing high-quality software is a complex and challenging task that requires a variety of specialized tools and resources. This is where a developer toolkit comes in. A developer toolkit is a set of software tools and resources that developers use to create, test, and deploy applications efficiently.

This is a small attempt to create a simple repository of reusable scripts/configurations that will help Maximo Dev to work faster and better.

venkraam/maximoandbeyond-custom-devtoolkit: A Custom & Reusable Dev ToolKit Repo for Maximo Developers (github.com)

What you will find above is a repository where we can assemble reusable entities that will help the community of developers. I will try to segregate this as per Databases, Configurations, simple postman collections for OSLC based integrations etc.

Photo by Joel Rohland on Unsplash

If you like this idea and willing to contribute a reusable snippet that will help a fellow Maximo community member, please drop an email to maximoandbeyond@gmail.com. The contribution will be updated in this blog page with the contributor details with due credits. I will try my best to keep this updated with a good collection of artifacts that will help the community.

Note: Please do not share any client specific information. Reusable artifacts should be generic.

Calling for Tech Articles:

If you want to contribute with a technical article please do not hesitate to drop it to the above email. I am sure there are lot of budding Maximo folks who would like to contribute but requires just a kick start and little help. I can help in giving this platform to publish (Note: This is neither a promotion nor monetary option for me) and it might help you to contribute more to other Maximo communities.

