Bug Report Gets Too Real

Maximüs Groves
1 min readJan 26, 2018

Months ago I submitted this bug report through the Google Maps Android App:

The Google Maps app will periodically reopen and navigate to a destination I’d searched and already reached earlier in the day. For instance, just now I went to my girlfriend’s house hoping to connect before I left town for the weekend but she instead shared her pain that she isn’t growing as strongly in love as I am after 6 months of dating and that she feels I deserve someone as great as I am, greater than her, when what I actually want is her so that confuses the hell out me, so I go driving for 30 minutes before stopping at a bar I regularly perform stand up comedy at to decompress and then while browsing Reddit to avoid the painful nostalgia the maps app reopens to provide turn navigation back to her house. I don’t believe this is intended behavior from the maps app or the Google search app, I’m not certain where the bug lies.

