Automatic synchronization of services

In-depth overview of open source Django-CQRS framework by CloudBlue Connect

Kolyubyakin Max


Using microservices is like going to the bar: it’s great when the party starts, but you can only hope that you won’t have a headache in the morning.

Please, don’t get me wrong. Microservices are definetly a great pattern, but as always, it comes with the cost. Let me briefly describe one of the main technical problems that you can face dealing with microservices.

Problem 🧐

Each business service operates in a certain subdomain/bounded context, which may be stored in a dedicated database. As services are distributed over the network, data is also distributed. And as business domains are pretty complex, one domain object may be shared between several contexts. In other words, we need the same pieces of data in different loosely related isolated environments. That sounds like a problem! Let’s find a solution.

Theoretical Solution 📚

CQRS is rushing to help us! Command Query Responsibility Segregation is the pattern that separates read/query and update/command operations for a data store. This pattern can be applied within one service (or even one DB instance), as well as adopted to be used in different isolated…



Kolyubyakin Max

Senior IT Witcher ⚔️ Helping to build the best supply-chain automation ecosystem in CloudBlue Connect @ThisisCloudBlue