An Honest Update on My 50 Day Challenge

I have a confession to make

Max Moser
2 min readNov 22, 2022
Photo by Rodrigo Ramos on Unsplash

At the beginning of this month, on the first of November, I started a 50 day challenge.

I was nine days into the challenge, going strong, but then it happened …

I failed.

In Project50, this means you have to start all over again. Back to day one.

Another seven days in, and then, I failed again.

Now …

Does this mean I quit the 50 day challenge on the third try?

Image by the author.

If you’ve been following my journey on Medium so far, you may already know the answer.

If not, then I would like to introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Max, and I will not give up this challenge. Nice to meet you.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far about Project50, it’s that starting over is part of the process. It doesn’t matter if you fail on the first, second or any other attempt.

What does matter, however, is how you respond to failure.

You have two options.

Either you give up and retreat to your comfort zone.

Or …

You get back up, learn from your mistakes, and keep going.

My favorite graph on the internet. Keep going. By visualizevalue.

Not so long ago, I would have gone for the first option.

But not anymore.

No matter how many times I fail, I will continue with this challenge — until I finish it.

So, to conclude this short update.

Did I fail? Yes.

Does it matter? No.

Will I continue the challenge? Hell yes!

I see you on the other side.

Keep going.

Thank you for reading!

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