I Have Started a 50 Day Challenge

And I encourage you to do it too!

Max Moser
3 min readNov 3, 2022
Photo by Matt Sclarandis on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, my good friend Joe Maleh told me about a challenge called Project50.

For those who don’t know what Project50 is, it’s a 50-day challenge designed to motivate you to take back control of your life and become a better version of yourself. The goal is to create healthy and lasting habits through self-discipline and hard work.

Sounds great, right?

The challenge consists of seven rules that must be completed every day for 50 consecutive days. If you break the streak, you have to start all over again.

These are the seven rules:

  1. Wake up before 8 A.M.

Also, try to maintain a daily bedtime routine and get at least 6 hours of sleep each night.

2. 1 hour morning routine

Your morning routine can include anything that is productive and helps you start the day — like meditating, writing in a journal, reading a book, going for a walk.

During this time, no distractions are allowed. That means no phone, no emails, no social media.

3. Exercise 1 hour

Any kind of sport counts — yoga, kickboxing, weightlifting, running.

If you don’t have enough time due to work, study or other commitments, you can incorporate exercising into your morning routine.

4. Read 10 pages a day

Any educational, motivational or business-related book counts.

5. Learn one new skill (1 hour)

Choose a skill you’ve always wanted to learn and practice it for an hour every day.

6. Follow a healthy diet

Commit to a diet of your choice. For example: no alcohol, no junk food, no soft drinks, less industrial sugar.

7. Track your daily progress in a journal

Write down your daily progress. Reflect on the positive and negative experiences of the day. Try to improve every day.

Since Joe and I are deep into self-improvement (btw, check out his awesome Podcast), it was only a matter of time before we would start Project50.

As you may have guessed from the title of this post, we have now (on November 1, 2022) started Project50.

If you are interested in following our progress, you can visit our socials where we will post daily updates.

At the end of the 50 days, I will write an article reflecting on my experience and sharing what I learned during that time.

If you are curious and want to learn more about Project50, visit their website.

Anyway, I’ll see you again in 50 days (technically 47 as I write this post). Hit me up on Instagram if you want to join us!

Thank you for reading!

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