4 tips when applying for an internship

Max Lindroos
3 min readOct 27, 2019


I’ve had the ambition to get to a place after university where I felt that I could keep learning. I can do that now because the place is King, the company behind the mobile game franchise Candy Crush.

Listed below are my tips on how you can increase your chances when applying for an internship. I would have found these tips very valuable when I started out applying to internships and I hope you will too. Let’s get into it!

1. Time x 2
Everything takes longer time than expected. You need to start looking for opportunities earlier than you expect. I know it can feel stressful with everything else that’s going on at university but it’s worth it. I can recommend you start creating your resume since it takes a few tries to get it to feel right.

How to name your resume

2. Be relevant
Applying to opportunities is great as long as you also tweak and match your application. Think out of the perspective of a recruiter who only can look at your application for a few seconds. When you think like that there’s often a few adjustments that you can make. I recommend that you highlight what’s most relevant for the opportunity.

Highlight your experience

3. Show interest
There are still things that you can do after that you sent in your documents and filled out everything. Showing interest can take many forms and here you can be creative. The timing of when you show interest is very important. I recommend that you try visiting the place in person. At least try to give the recruiter a call if there’s a number or send a short and clear email about your interest.

When to reach out

4. Expect setbacks
You’re in some way looking for answers and want to increase your chances with your application. Having setback is inevitable even with all types of advice and best practices. It’s part of the process but it’s tough. I can recommend that you instead see your applications as a type of A/B-testing. Having this approach will make it feel less daunting to go back to your resume and change it.

A classic type of setback

The process of searching for opportunities is far from easy. It’s quite a challenge that involves having a great deal of luck. What you can do is to improve your chances. Since you’re reading this post you’re on the right track or procrastinating. Either way is fine but to get you going I want to make clear that it’s doable and I’m rooting for you!

Stay sharp
Max Lindroos



Max Lindroos

I’m a Junior UX Designer that use writing as a way to learn more about the specific subjects. Instead of holding it to myself, I thought I share it here!