7 Motivational Quotes To Help You Keep Up The Momentum

Max Lukominskyi
3 min readJun 2, 2016


It is not a secret that we all need to get inspired and motivated every once in a while. Inspiration comes in many forms, however among all of them, quotation appear to be the most powerful and remarkable one.

Over the centuries, quotes from prominent leaders of past and present have proved to be rather simple, but huge source of motivation and inspiration.

Here are 7 quotes that will help you keep up the momentum and stay inspired throughout the whole week:

There are no traffic jams along the extra mile — Roger Staubach

You must reach that mile! Stay dedicated and committed to your dreams and aspirations. Be sure, you will face the most difficult issues right before the triumph. However, if you can prove to be strong enough to tackle them, you will succeed.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can — Arthur Ashe

You already have everything to start. You do not need to wait for the better moment to get going. The best moment is now! Use your skills, resources and time in order to improve yourself and start moving towards new accomplishments.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty — Winston Churchill

Look at this world through the lens of childhood. Do not be that realistic and pessimistic about everything. Believe in unbelievable and always find great chances in the challenges your life provides you with.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream — C. S. Lewis

Do not let your age be the reason for not taking opportunities. You are neither young nor old to live this life to the fullest. Let your motivation and passion lead you to new victories. Dream big, act big, win big!

If you have time to judge other people, you have way too much time on your hands. Get off your ass and do something meaningful — Shane Gibson

Embrace the truth. You have time in excess. You do not use 100% of it purposefully. Therefore, there are no excuses for not having accomplished the things you want yet. Stop doing pointless stuff and channel all your energy towards the things that do matter.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going — Beverly Sills

Sometimes there is a huge desire to cut the corner and achieve your ambitions faster. However, everything worth doing usually takes years. Consistent evolution. This is what you actually need. Employ “Plant a lot, harvest a few” mindset and move gradually along the chosen path.

If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, do not ask what seat! Just get on — Sheryl Sandberg

Sometimes life shows you signs and points to the great chances you have to take. But instead of doubting them and asking extra questions, grab the opportunity and take a part in the next exciting journey of your life!

Stay motivated and always up to new accomplishments. And remember: Only wins!

Thanks for reading! If you liked these quotes, please hit the heart button below and share this post with your network, so more people can get motivated. That would be incredible!



Max Lukominskyi

CMO | Nebula http://asknebula.com. As seen at BBC, CNBC, Business Insider, The Independent and Inc