Blog Status Update

Maximillian Naza
2 min readDec 5, 2019


What does it mean to write about something? How does once decide what to write about? How often should one be writing?

Too many questions. Not enough answers.

I’ve been dealing with the questions above for some time now. As an engineer, I often over-analyze things. I believe there must be a method to the madness. To quote the blind man from that Rush Hour 3 scene in the dojo:

He’s Mi & I am Yu.

Me & You.

It’s a matter of perspective. The key to success lies in finding the right perspective for the right context. Accordingly, after spending many months trying to figure out which topic should be my focus, I have decided to throw all the rules out of the window.

My blog will be both about nothing & everything (i.e. about me 😮). I will write about whatever inspires me. Some posts will be about something tangible. Others, like this piece, won’t be about anything specific in particular.

I’m not sure what to expect, but I can tell it’s going to be fun.

