When do you need to hire an employment law firm in Toronto?

Max people HR
3 min readFeb 19, 2018


As a businessman or woman, you do not only focus on the business itself, you also need to pay much attention to your employees. Every once in a while you will need help from an employment law firm in Toronto. When should you really hire an employment lawyer? Here are a few instances when an employment lawyer is needed.

You need to make sure that your employee’s get what they deserve and that they work according to the set rules and regulations of your company. However, you also need to make sure that your employment policies are in line with the current employment law of Toronto.

Every once in a while you will need help from an employment law firm in Toronto.

When writing company and employment policies

Though you can make your own handbook or policies that will perfectly suit the needs and requirements of your company, it is still best to consult someone professional and knowledgeable about employment law in Toronto. Employment law is an incredibly complex law.

You need to have your handbook checked and reviewed by the top employment lawyers in Toronto to make sure that you do not violate any laws. You need someone who knows employment law including the ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act and the FMLA or Family Medical Leave Act.

When facing harassment allegations

Harassment in the workplace can come in different forms. But the most common is sexual harassment. Though you can fix workplace harassment easily within your organization, it is still better to seek advice from one of the best employment lawyers in Toronto to make sure that your decision and judgment regarding this matter does not violate any law.

Make sure that you have clearly specified the procedures and policies in your handbook regarding harassment matters and that they are in compliance with the law. You need to conduct a proper investigation and have it checked by a lawyer before making the final judgment.

When firing an employee

The employees are protected by the law just like employers are. You cannot just fire an employee whenever you want to without sensible reasons. Make sure that when you fire an employee, you don’t do it for illegal reasons.

For instance, it is against the law to fire an employee who got pregnant after getting married. But you can fire someone who is AWOL or absent without official leave for a couple of days or weeks already or perhaps someone who came in late for three to five consecutive days already depending on your policy.

When you need to understand complicated laws

You might have a bit knowledge about the laws that govern your geography but you can’t be a hundred percent sure that your understanding of the laws is accurate and correct. Employment lawyers in Toronto understand every single part of the laws that affect you.

The law often contains a lot of legal terms that are quite confusing most especially to people who do not have an extensive background in employment law. The lawyers have studied all of these complicated and confusing legal terms, they are experts and they know them by heart. If you need to understand complicated laws, do not just turn to your secretary or to the head of the HR department. Chances are they also do not know these laws or terms in depth to the necessary level required.



Max people HR

MaxPeople helps to increase the effectiveness of your business growth. We provide Human Resources Services, Employment Law Support, Leadership, and Teambuilding